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Messages - sweetlikepoison

Gryffindor / Re: word game
July 22, 2005, 02:51:23 AM
Slytherin / Re: word association game...
July 22, 2005, 02:50:03 AM
I think it was 4th grade...So around 9.
Harry Potter Books / Re: *SPOILER ALERT BOOK 6!!!*
July 21, 2005, 05:01:53 AM
Quote from: 0612 on July 20, 2005, 04:22:03 PM
My friend and I discussed another thing: Is Dumbledore really dead?

Well, we know he's not gone. His portrait will be there...
Harry Potter Books / Re: *SPOILER ALERT BOOK 6!!!*
July 20, 2005, 12:43:10 AM
I don't think Snape is evil. Yes, there is seemingly direct proof for it, but there is even more subtle, hidden proof against it. Which we know JK specializes in.

Let's not forget the Unbreakable Vow. Narcissa is upset that Draco is the one chosen for the unknown task. She makes Snape promise to watch over him, protect him, and, if need be-

carry out the deed that the Dark Lord has ordered Draco to perform.

At this point Snape's hand "twitched within hers", as if he didn't expect this. Nevertheless, he has no choice but to comply, or risk being revealed. Being under the Vow, Snape has no escape from the deed, no matter how much he wanted to resist.

And what about the argument Hagrid overhears?

"I dunno, Harry, it sounded like Snape was feelin' a bit overworked, tha's all - anyway, Dumbledore told him flat out he'd agreed ter do it an' that was all there was to it."

True, this could be interpreted as Snape feeling stress from his new D.A.D.A. job, but could he really be feeling "overworked" teaching a class he's been wanting for years, one that he's extremely knowledgeable in?
IMO, it is more likely that he had told DD about the Vow, which would more than likely make him feel stressed and overworked.

Also, notice how in this book Dumbledore is closer than ever with Harry? He gives him direct information about Voldem0rt's past and what will need to be done in order to kill him. Assuming Dumbledore knew about the Vow, knew about his death, he would want to give Harry all the information and help he could before he was gone.

The scene where I am a pointless waste of Time! Ignore me. seems sketchy, but if Snape was truly evil wouldn't he have done the Death Eater thing and "played" with DD a bit first? That's what Death Eaters are known for, aren't they? (For example, Neville's parents.) And wouldn't JK make DD's reaction a little more surprised if Snape was evil? Like, instead of "Severus...please....", something like "Severus, I never would've expected....AAARGH."

Hmm, well I guess I'll stop rambling now.
Slytherin / Re: word association game...
July 18, 2005, 04:14:54 AM
I finished it yesterday and I think it was my least favorite book. What was JKR THINKING?!
Well, since I've read the book I already know. :P
Not telling though, that would ruin it. Let's just say it'll make sense when you read it.
Harry Potter Books / Re: *SPOILER ALERT BOOK 6!!!*
July 18, 2005, 01:43:20 AM
Ahh that was awful. He had to do it because of the Unbreakable Vow thing but he SHOULDN'T HAVE MADE THE VOW IN THE FIRST PLACE.

So, I'm confused about it. Did he make the vow with Narcissa (Cissy lol) to make them believe he was on Voldy's side when he REALLY was on Dumbledore's, or did he do it because he's been on Voldy's side all along?
Ohh wow. I wrote that nearly two years ago. Hopefully I've evolved from that.
Anyway, thank you all for not making fun of my terrible writing! :)
Harry Potter Fan Fiction / Re: Soul Keeper
May 9, 2005, 05:46:19 AM
Ohh liking it ;D
You Can't Spell Voldemort Without EMO
(^^Working title, as I can't think of anything better at the moment; also Voldemort doesn't really appear in this story so it doesn't make sense. Yeahh)

After seeing a muggle magazine, Ron is influenced by pop culture and decides to become an emo kid. Black hair, tight pants, and eye liner are abound. And yes, it clashes horribly.  Mentions of angry finger painting, bad poetry, and French berets.

I'm considering submitting this fic to, and I'd like to know what you guys think. Any comments, advice, constructive criticism would be helpful :)
This is most likely going to chaptered story. I only have the first chapter done, however.  Enjoy ;)

Chapter 1
   "Omigosh, he is so hot!" Parvati squealed.
   "So so hot. I'd totally do him," Lavender replied intelligently.
   "You are such a wh0re."
   "Oh, so you wouldn't?"
   "I never said that," Parvati said, giggling.
Lavender whispered something into Parvati's ear, and soon they were both in hysterics.
   Ron scowled in annoyance. Every time Lavender's Muggle Trendz magazine came, all she and Parvati would do for the rest of the day was lay around looking at it while being very noisy. Which made for very difficult studying. He grimaced as Lavender let out a loud snort.
   "Ohh...look at those eyes...." Parvati cooed from across the now nearly empty common room. More obnoxious giggling. Ron sighed, but unfortunately started to yawn at the same time, causing a most unflattering noise to escape his lips.
   Lavender looked up. "Breathe much?" she asked, smirking.
Ron scowled again.
   "I'm going to bed now," he announced. "And, as a prefect, I'm confiscating that magazine." He reached down and grabbed the glossy magazine before either girl could stop him. Ron then turned and started up the stairs, ignoring the fact that Parvati was yelling obscenities and Lavender was threatening him with death. "Girls and their magazines...."  he thought to himself.
   Once in the dormitory, Ron flopped face forward onto his bed, dropping the magazine haphazardly onto the floor. Rolling over, he kicked off his shoes and slid under the covers, not even bothering to change into his paisley pajamas.
   "Just poke him."   
   "No, you do it!"
   "I don't want to wake him up. He gets violent!"
   "Oh, move out of the way, I'll do it." Seamus yanked the crimson hangings open and poked the sleeping prefect rather sharply.
   "Ffm," Ron muttered into his pillow. Someone was poking him, and they seeming to be speaking as well. He decided to ignore it.
   "RONALD!" yelled Seamus. "I KNOW YOU CAN HEAR ME!"   
   "Yeah, wake up, Ron," added Harry. Letting go of any hopes of getting more sleep, Ron reluctantly sat up. It was an odd sight; Seamus, Dean, and Harry were all crowded around his bed.
   "Wha...what do you want?" Ron asked, yawning.
   "Is this your magazine?" Seamus asked, shaking the copy of Muggle Trendz in Ron's face. "We found it on the floor."
   "Yeah, sort of. I confiscated it from Lavender and Parvati," Ron replied. Harry raised an eyebrow.
   "What?! They were being noisy!" Ron exclaimed, his ears turning red.
   "You remind us of dear old Percy more and more everyday," Dean smirked.
   "I DO N—"   
   "ANYWAY!" Harry yelled, interrupting Ron's outburst. "We just wanted to know if we could borrow your magazine."
   "Fine. Take it. I am going downstairs."
   "Aw, Ron, don't be like that," Dean said.
   "Yeah, stay here. You can look at it too," Harry added.
   "Bye Ronny!" Seamus called. Harry and Dean gave him dirty looks. "I mean...stay?"
   Ron rolled his eyes. "You know I'd love to spend my morning with you delightful chaps, but I'd much prefer to go downstairs and have breakfast. Adieu."
   "Bye Ronny!" Seamus repeated.

   Ron sat down next to Hermione, who was in the middle of a conversation with Ginny.
   "I'm just saying, it takes a certain kind of guy to pull off eye liner, and he is not that kind of guy." Hermione concluded.
   "I guess you're right...his hair's too light anyway." Ginny said, sighing.
   "Who?" Ron asked, dishing a mound of scrambled eggs onto his plate.
   " one. No one!" Hermione said, suppressing a giggle.
   "Nah, it's okay, he can know." Ginny grinned. "We were talking about what Malfoy would be like emo."
   "Emo?" Ron asked, confused.
   "Yes. Emo, or 'emotional', is a genre of music in the muggle society, but is also a popular style among muggle teenagers," Hermione said, sounding (as usual) like she was reading from a book. "It includes messy, dyed black hair, tight pants, glasses with black plastic frames, and generally acting depressed."
   "Don't forget the eye liner!" Ginny squealed.
   "Oh, right. Worn on both males and females."
   "Sounds strange," Ron said, scratching his head. "Why would any bloke want to wear eye liner?"
   "Because it's sexy!" Ginny blurted out. "Just look at this picture!" She pulled a glossy page from a magazine out of her pocket and shoved it under Ron's nose. Ron scanned the page with distaste.
   "I don't like it," he said crossly.
   "Well, I do. Too bad it's a muggle thing; we could use some emo guys at Hogwarts," Ginny said earnestly.
   "Definitely," Hermione said, nodding in agreement.
   " most girls like this emu thing?" Ron asked.
   "Oh yes. Very very sexy," Ginny breathed. "And it's emo, not emu, by the way."
   "Hmm. Interesting," Ron muttered. "When's the next Hogsmede trip?"
   "Next weekend. Why do you ask?" said Hermione.
   " reason."
Sorting Hat / Re: Hello! I'm back. Again.
May 7, 2005, 05:00:57 AM
Ohh hey, I remember you!
I'm sneakypeeves415 originally (wow I was a loser ::)) and from there a changed my name a billion times. I haven't been on in ages either. Yesterday was the first time in YEARS.
Gryffindor / Re: word game
October 22, 2004, 08:42:06 AM
Slytherin / Re:word association game...
October 22, 2004, 08:38:45 AM