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How old is everyone?

Started by Roniloveyou:), August 9, 2007, 08:43:20 AM

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im joking! 26 isn't old! :) you has a job or you study, Devon?!



I feel like a downright youngster. Then I realize I'm going to turn seventeen soon and I'm like, "Holy friggin' cow, man."

Ginny Weasly

I don't turn 17 till December. *kicks the wall*
I hate having a December birthday. My family is always kinda poor around that time of year...wait, what am I talking about? We're always kinda poor! (That's actually true...)
My motivation
An oath I've sworn to defend

My dedication
To all that I've sworn to protect
I carry out my orders
With not a regret

Kiara Johnson

My ex monster's b day is the 24th of Dec. lol.. try that one on for size lmfao  I used to take pitty on him, now I find it most amusing

Ginny Weasly

Lolz, I actually know someone with that borthday. But their family buys them even more gifts....*shakes head* I was never spoiled...
My motivation
An oath I've sworn to defend

My dedication
To all that I've sworn to protect
I carry out my orders
With not a regret



wow i feel old... but idk i still gots mad Harry Potter love  ;D lol
I love Rupert Grint!!! :)

<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Image and video hosting by TinyPic"></a>


Is glad to finally have time to get back on the computer and hang with friends. Well that and to post with those people what want to post with me.


Ten Percent Luck
Twenty Percent Skill
Fifteen Percent Concentrated Power Of Will
Five Percent Pleasure
Fifty Percent Pain
One Hundred Percent Reason To Remember The Name

Phoenix Rayne


actually i got friends that are into their 30s and love the series.
Love Me
Hate Me
You'll Never
Forget Me!

Phoenix Rayne

Yeah me too. Fpr some reason all my friends are near or in their 30s

Ginny Weasly

My friends span many ages, lolz. And my dad is 55 or so and loves Harry Potter.
My motivation
An oath I've sworn to defend

My dedication
To all that I've sworn to protect
I carry out my orders
With not a regret

Phoenix Rayne

my dad's 40 something and he likes the movies. Can't get him to read the books though.