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Reading (Anyone can join)

Started by Phoenix Rayne, August 13, 2007, 09:45:48 AM

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Phoenix Rayne

Phoenix is sitting in the common room reading a book. Its very late but she wants to finish the book before it is time to go to bed. She is new and Hasent made any friends yet. As she reads the last page she closes the book and sits it down on the end table and yawns.

Phoenix: Its getting late.


"Hey are you new here?" Cho came into the common room seeing a new student.
((welcome to the site Phoenix... ))
Never argue with an idiot. They'll only bring you down to their level and beat you with experience.

some people wonder what my real name's Faith.....don't make fun of it please=]


Sarah just ran up to the Gryffindor common room.

(question cho what year we going to be in)
Is glad to finally have time to get back on the computer and hang with friends. Well that and to post with those people what want to post with me.


((I don't know....and you don't know how to come in do you?))
Never argue with an idiot. They'll only bring you down to their level and beat you with experience.

some people wonder what my real name's Faith.....don't make fun of it please=]


(ya i remeber the password you gave me this time.  ;D)

"Hi there Cho what you up to. I just finished that home work." Sarah then turned to a new girl.

"Hi there I'm Sarah what your name."
Is glad to finally have time to get back on the computer and hang with friends. Well that and to post with those people what want to post with me.


"Hey Sarah...that cool." Cho stuck her hand out and smiling said,"Oh yeah forgot about introductions, my name is Cho."
Never argue with an idiot. They'll only bring you down to their level and beat you with experience.

some people wonder what my real name's Faith.....don't make fun of it please=]


Sarah was in a good mood.

"I know your name. I ment hers." Sarah said joking around.

(We should wait for her)
Is glad to finally have time to get back on the computer and hang with friends. Well that and to post with those people what want to post with me.


Never argue with an idiot. They'll only bring you down to their level and beat you with experience.

some people wonder what my real name's Faith.....don't make fun of it please=]

Phoenix Rayne

Phoenix looks at the two girls that just walked into the common room. She smiles.

Phoenix: Hi I'm Phoenix, its nice to meet you two. This is my first day. Its kind of a big school. So what year are ya'll in?


Cho smiled and said,"Nice to meet you Phoenix. Oh well if you need any help just come and ask me. This is my last year in this school."
Never argue with an idiot. They'll only bring you down to their level and beat you with experience.

some people wonder what my real name's Faith.....don't make fun of it please=]


Came out from under the couch in the gryffindore common room. Some mean Slytherin students had pushed him in and locked him in, while he hid from a teacher who he was sure would blame it on him.


"I'm Ravenclaw and it is my last year to." Sarah then looked at Merlin.

"What you doing in here under the couch."
Is glad to finally have time to get back on the computer and hang with friends. Well that and to post with those people what want to post with me.


"someone locked me in here and then snape appeared had to hide....he dont like me." even tho he was dressed in slytherin robes.


"Well who did it to you do you know?"
Never argue with an idiot. They'll only bring you down to their level and beat you with experience.

some people wonder what my real name's Faith.....don't make fun of it please=]