Harry Potter Fan

Harry Potter Fan Fiction => Harry Potter Fan Fiction => Topic started by: cho chang on February 2, 2003, 02:18:05 AM

Title: HP book1 from Hermione s view
Post by: cho chang on February 2, 2003, 02:18:05 AM
 One summer morning, we are having breakfast. Dad came with a buch of letters from the mailbox. He haded me a thick envelope which is parchment. Strange I  thought, taking a bite of my toast. No body`s  ever used parchment since sometime CE when chinese invented paper.  I read the letter:

Dear Ms Granger,
 We are pleased to inform you that you have a place at Hogwarts school of withcraft and wizardry. The list of things you need are enclosed. Since you have muggle Non magic parentage,  we will inform you that you can buy all these stuff at London Undergroud. Just enter a rather grubby pub and behind the back door there`s a wall. Tap the wall three up and two across from the dustbin. You can exchange muggle your money to wizard gold at Gringotts, the bank there.
 Ticket to the train to Hogwarts also enclosed.
                                                    Yours truely,
                                                Minverna Mcgonagle
Title: Re:HP book1 from Hermione s view
Post by: cho chang on February 2, 2003, 02:22:38 AM
I`ll be posting the story bit by bit each week. How do you like it so farH