Harry Potter Fan

General Discussion => General => Topic started by: LavyBrown on February 26, 2008, 11:38:31 AM

Post by: LavyBrown on February 26, 2008, 11:38:31 AM
Such a huge probelm guys and i need some serois advice!!!!!!! :-\

so yeasterday i was with this guy i like and we were just chilling and then our conversation got really intense and across the room we saw a mutral friend (lets call her Cherry) with another guy (lets call him Bob) who is not her boyfreind( lets call her boyfriend Jerry). this guy i like thinks that we shouldn't say anything to Jerry cause Jerry is happy with Cherry and it would ruin the realtionship and I know Bob and we're pretty good friends and he doesn't want me to tell Jerry either.

I REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY think that Jerry should know what's going on but everyone thinks that it would be best to leave it alone and I can't help but kinda agree with them cause i know that Jerry would be really heartbroken. Should I go ahead and talk to Jerry?
Post by: Ginny Weasly on February 26, 2008, 11:50:40 AM
I think you should tell Cherry that if she is so concerned about Jerry's feeling's she wouldn't have been doing anything with Bob. Tell her she has to tell Jerry, for her own good. Let Bob know he should tell Jerry too.

As for you, it isn't your place to let Jerry know. Just try to be a good friend when he does find out. Don't let him know you knew, however.
Post by: LavyBrown on February 26, 2008, 12:03:14 PM
that's the biggest problem. Cherry doesn't want to tell Jerry and Bob is such a puppy he'll do anything Cherry tells him. The other guy, the one i like, thinks that it's not our place but I just have this feeling that if Jerry finds out that we knew and didn't say anything he'll kick our behinds into next year.
Post by: Ginny Weasly on February 26, 2008, 12:15:08 PM
Let me tell you a TRUE story.

Last year...around this time, I came to the conclusion that my boyfriends father Bill was cheating on his wife with a friend of mine. (No worries, the girl was 23 at the time.) I had no proof other than my word, what I had seen. I felt that his family had the RIGHT to know, especially his wife. Still, I said nothing to anyone, not even my boyfriend. I didn't confront Bill either (I should have though).
Come summer, and his wife catches him red-handed, so to speak. (They are still together, but that's another story).
Point being, I KNEW for the LONGEST time. I told my boyfriend that I had guessed. I told him what I had seen, but only after someone else had found out. And I told him why I hadn't said anything. My exact words were, "Because I didn't want you to not believe me and get angry at ME because you thought I was the one lying."

So what you feel you should. But if it helps, I am still with my boyfriend.
Post by: LavyBrown on February 26, 2008, 12:28:43 PM
 you have one great boyfriend
Post by: Ginny Weasly on February 26, 2008, 07:32:41 PM

If you need any more help, I suggest going to this one website. It's an advice website, and they usually have some pretty good advice.