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Topics - Kiara Johnson

Harry Potter Fan Fiction / The Dragon
November 22, 2006, 06:12:01 AM
(This is it, there is no more, don't ask for none cuz it ain't there, but please let me know your thoughts I would love to hear them. huggles ~K~)

Deep in the forest, deeper than any sane human would venture, there was a spot, seemingly barren of all life, and of all snow. The earth there charred and steaming, blackened by weeks of slow burning embers that seemed to house a slumbering creature in the midst of it all.

The creature was huge, enormous really, though all curled up and slumbering as it was, it fit perfectly in the ten acres of charred earth. Its leathery skin, as black as the deepest shadow, its massive wings folded against its huge, near motionless body. The only sign that it still lived, was the rhythmic rise and fall of its back as it hibernated peacefully in perfect slumber, to await the return of spring when the weather would change, the snow banished to the other side of the world, when once again, it could rise and walk the earth in its other form without freezing to death.

Visions entered the mind of the sleeping giant this night; disturbing and sad visions crept in to disturb its peace. The hellish sound of a voice dear to it, enraged with fury and pain, causing the creature to growl, deep within its throat, emitting a short blast of flame as it snorted, but still slumbered on. In its mind, it was well aware of what had happened, well aware of why it had to happen as well and so held no harsh feelings to the black winged creature that had done the deed that harmed its loved one.

The ground beneath the dragon shifted and shook violently and its eyes snapped open, elongated pupils black against the bright emerald pools that surrounded them looked sluggishly about as it lifted its regal head from the ground and then let out an earthshaking roar that would be heard throughout the realm by any who had ears. Only a very few would know who it was behind the return, the anguished roar of the mighty dragon, and only one, would take to heart, perhaps two, that she knew, that she had witnessed the entire show in her minds eye.

Kalista shifted her wings slightly and then lowered her head back to the ground. This was not her time; it was not her place to interfere. Mai had every right and if need be, he would find her... for now she would return to her slumber, though wanting to go to him would haunt her sleep, perhaps a bit of pain would fill her dreams and when she did awake fully, to once again grace the earth with her presence, she would have him back, the one she had loved, and not, the one who had taken over in her absence.
General / ~K~ Quotes
November 18, 2006, 03:14:23 PM
OK, I am making this thread for you to post your favorite quotes, I will start it out with one of mine, or rather one of my own quotes..

Huggles to you all

Truly, a story you wish? I am certain we all have stories, thing is, they are not complete as of yet.
~K~ Nov 23, 2004, 10:58am
General / Fast-Food Thoughts
November 18, 2006, 02:55:53 PM
((Ok yes this takes a bit of reading but it is well worth it.  huggles to you all)

Ok people here it is, the thing that I have been wanting to say but really didn't know quite how to put it then just now decided it just simply had to be stated as harsh as it sounds and as mean as it might come across to some of you, here is how and why you should act a certain way and conduct yourself in a certain manner make it quick and simple at a fast food restaurant.  I suppose you could kind of take this as a customer-training course of sorts, seeing as how they just simply do not offer it.  Professor Kerri will train you and guide you through the necessary materials and then when you are done, perhaps if you listened, you will be able to make it through the drive-thru and not only have your order made correctly, but made as well as it should be too.

Ok I will start with attitude.  Leave it at home, if you are pissed at your boyfriends or whatever, do not take it out on the team member trying to serve you this will only prove to make certain that your food is made improperly or perhaps you may be 'accidentally' missing an item or two or three.  Any attitude other than pleasant will result in a very bad experience indeed.  Don't get upset if they are trying to rush you through the drive-thru it is not their fault, people's jobs are quite seriously on the line in Fast food for speed of service so you can bet your mothers life that they will indeed try to make you hurry on your way, they do not do so to try and be mean or rude it is just simply their jobs we are talking about and the jobs of the ones they call boss and friend.  Believe me yes, people who work in a fast food job are a family you mess with one; you might as well be taking on the entire team.  It is a loosing battle in the end for the customer either way you look at it for they will never have good food there and they will always be treated like the enemy in that case.

Ordering at the driveā€“up speaker.  Ok this is a BIG ONE listen carefully so I do not have to repeat this now.

OK here is where a lot of customers fail in etiquette.  Please by all that is and all that will be, know what it is you want BEFORE you pull up to that speaker.  If you don't know the menu or just are simply having a hard time trying to figure out what fattening and delicious product you wish to consume, go inside.  The drive-thru is for customers who are indeed in a hurry it is not a place to sit idly in your car, talk on your cell phone and discuss what your mom is going to make for your cousin's best friends sister's Bar Mitzvah or whatever the conversation may be.  It is designed to get you through as fast as they can with little to no hassle.  Of course, this idea is always shot down because you as a customer can't seem to get it through your head as to just how rude and annoying you are when you have no clue what you want and the cars are lining up behind you because you have to call your husbands sister's best friend to find out at that precise moment if they want something or not.

Ok now on to how to treat your order taker for a better result in gaining great food from the chosen fast food place you wish to dine at.  VERY IMPORTANT

OK you drive up to the speaker; the order taker greets you.  What do you do?

A. Sit there and ignore them?

B. Say hummmm

C. Say thanks I want.....

If you answered C. then you are off to a good start, if you answer A or B then we really need to work on you.  Ok, first off, the order taker has asked you a question, to ignore them is very rude and quite irritating.  We don't care if you respond immediately with your order and disregard our greeting just so long as you acknowledge that we have talked to you.  That is all we want and please NEVER say "Are you there?"  Come on people of course we are there.  what? Do you think we've gone home or something in the 30 seconds or so it has taken you to put your addled brains into gear and figure out what it is that you wanted?  Silly people, honestly.

Next, DO NOT try and take the role of "I'm better than you" simply because a person is working at a fast food chain doesn't make them stupid.  As a matter of fact I have a BA in English and have worked for a HUGE company auditing their books, I simply choose to work where I do because I hated pushing papers for a living, it was dry and boring.  If you take this stance, chances are, your food will be messed with in some callus manner that you would never even realize, of course, each time you have come in and have had that attitude your food has been made the same way and so, you really don't know what you are missing I suppose.  'Holier than thou' attitudes in short will get you no where, and I would like to have a conversation with you at some point just to see how much 'smarter' you really think you are than myself. (Insert evil grin here)

Finally on this point I would like to discus adding things to your order at the window.  THIS IS A BIG NO NO.  Like I have stated earlier, you should know what you want before you pull up to the speaker.  You will not be received with a positive attitude when you are ordering an item at the window, trust me, it is better to just simply pull around and make a new order than to do this, that item you receive will indeed be made much better if you do.  Many a time I have forgotten an item when ordering and each time even though I might have been in a hurry, I have either just gone without or simply pulled back around again.  It doesn't hurt you know.

OK now for the way you act towards things team members wear.  Honestly, does it really matter if the person has the right name on or not?  Don't you have better things to do with you time than complaine and whine about what a persona nametag says?  I could understand if it said f**k Face or something like that, but HONESTLY how can you be so small minded and selfish that you would have to take the fun away from a silly nick name on a nametag?  Or along those lines does it really matter to you that much if people are having a little fun on their job?  You know, happy fast food workers will always make better food for you cuz they won't be stressed.  Think about it, I am certain that your addled mind can come up with the solution and even make its way to finding that I am right and you are just being mean, its easy to be mean you know?  I find it is harder and more worthwhile to see the humor in something than to complain about it because you are so ugly or have had a bad day.  Try smiling sometimes it helps.

Ok, ok ok yes we mess up sometimes; we are only human after all, we are NOT robots and remember also that we do not read minds, contrary to popular belief. Please take this into account when we do indeed forget an item or screwed you order up totally.

Now how to handle on order that has been messed up.  You DO NOT come into the store guns blazing yelling and growling at us, calling us stupid or idiots will get you no where fast, as a matter of fact I handle it very poorly and will intentionally mess your order up again just to make you even more angry and I will laugh when you come back again too, and trust me, I will let you know it.  I delight in making stupid customers angry it is fun to see them 'froth at the mouth' I wonder often times how early they are going to die of that heart attack that will be caused by their bad form and rising tempers and so, I will push just that little extra, perhaps one day I truly will be able to say "I indirectly helped cause that idiots death." Laugh and then shrug my shoulder and go on with my life. Heehee sorry I kinda got off track there with my fantasy.  (Clears throat)  Now back to the subject at hand.  In short, once more, if you simply bring the mistake to our attention in a quite, friendly manner we will be more than accommodating, as a matter of fact, I have been known to even make an extra item for those customers who are polite and know that I am a human.

Ok now to let you all know that this is only directed at the people who come into a fast-food restaurant and are evil, mocking impolite addle brained and just simply stupid.  I have done some math on this subject and have come to the conclusion that 8 out of ten customers are bad customers and to those small few of you that are not just let me say that I send you loads of huggles and many thoughts of a long delightful life.  To those of you who are the bad ones, let me tell you right now that it is never too late to change and if you don't soon, I will get to you, I will see you withering on the floor in painful agony of a stress induced heart attach and I will be laughing at you the entire time.

Huggles to you all

In a video of an interview from this morning on UK television, Jason Isaacs (Lucius Malfoy) from the Harry Potter movies, discussed his character in the latest movie, Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, which he has finished filming.

He mentions fighting Gary Oldman (Sirius Black) in the Ministry of Magic scenes and how he won't be starring in Half-Blood Prince but begged author J.K. Rowling to let Lucius out of prison so he can make an appearance in the last film
General / Halloween Costumes
November 3, 2006, 02:40:45 PM
OK I wanna see them, here is a small pic of mine, enjoy.

General / Getting CLOSER to 20000
September 12, 2006, 09:05:45 AM
YES!  My goal is in site I am almost there, oh so close, but then what will my next goal be?  Any suggestions, should I go for 30,000 first then announce something even bigger after that. 

Of course, my posts are NOT one lined, well, unless they are of the gaming nature, and so, those of you wanting mass posts like me and a few others, be certain NOT to spam your way there, I want to see loads of posts, it is great fun to see if you can out post the rest WITHOUT useless, spamming.  So come on, anyone want to challenge?  Heehee, I am looking at YOU Gin.  HUGGLES
General / King/Queen Of The Hill
September 12, 2006, 08:54:16 AM
Ok, this is easy, though I would like to see some creative ways to get the title, you can simply put 'MY HILL' in your post, though I will look down upon you for it.

Simplicity at its best here, simply keep the hill, the first posts MY HILL, the next MY hill, and no matter what those two words MUST be in your post to have it.  I will start.

Storms to the top of the hill, plants her flag in its peak and exclaims "MY HILL" Glares at all who oppose her.
Sorting Hat / Sorting
September 12, 2006, 08:42:12 AM
OK, this question has come up a lot lately and so, I thought it wise to nip it now so that it will not come up any ore.

NO, there is no formal sorting hat, you simply choose what house you wish to be in, it is that simple.  As, if you remember correctly, it is our choices that ultimately decide what house we are in, and so therefore, our choice to be in what house we wish.

Simple enough I hope, so please, no more threads on how to get sorted, cuz you don't, you just choose.

Thanks and Huggles to you all
Gryffindor / List of Members
September 12, 2006, 08:37:31 AM
If you are in this house PLEASE register your name here, thank You ~K~
September 12, 2006, 08:29:16 AM
Just a little something to state that we writers quite enjoy little comments for our stories and tend NOT to update when we don't get them, I have just updated my newest with only one note to do so, but this will not continue and so, just fyi PLEASE comment on our writings so that we know you are reading, that is of course, if you like them cuz chances are, if you don't, you will never know how it ends.

I love you all and keep them comments coming.

Debating Circle / Rowling squashes book 7 status
September 12, 2006, 08:14:16 AM
Harry Potter author JK Rowling has updated her site to squash part of a recent article that appeared in the press a few days ago. A tabloid paper in the UK quoted Ms. Rowling as saying that "I'm up to about 750 pages now."
JKR posted on her site earlier today:
JKR has written 750 pages of book 7, and told a journalist this at the tea party for 'Driving Lessons'.
Oh pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease. I haven't written 750 pages of book seven, and if I had, I'd be very worried, as I'm not close to finishing it yet.
I was at the tea party for Driving Lessons, though, so this isn't pure fiction. The journalist reports that I said that Rupert is 'absolutely terrific' in the film. He is, so that bit shouldn't be in the rubbish bin at all.
Additional controversy seems to be popping up once again in reference to the Harry Potter books and the Vatican. This time, chief exorcist, Rev. Gabriele Amorth states that fictional character Harry Potter is the "king of darkness, the devil" in an interview with Vatican Radio last week.
Rev. Amorth goes on to compare the Potter characters to Stalin and Hitler, and says:
You can tell by their behavior and their actions, from the horrors they committed and the atrocities that were committed on their orders. That's why we need to defend society from demons.
You may remember that last year in another interview on Vatican Radio, Monsignor Peter Fleetwood, an expert on New Age and former official at the Pontifical Council for Culture said that:
...I remain firmly convinced that the Harry Potter novels are very well written. They are written on the classical plot of good versus evil in the standard way that the old myths were written. The characters are built up around that: the goodies and the baddies so to speak, and I can't see that that's a bad thing for children, when goodness, and the people on the side of goodness are portrayed as the ones who will eventually win. Harry's enemies resort to all sorts of evil things, and they are the ones who loose in the end. I don't see what's wrong with that, and I can't see that does any harm to children.
It would seem that personnel from the Vatican cannot agree on Harry Potter.
Harry Potter Fan Fiction / RISING POWER
September 9, 2006, 10:37:17 AM

Ok, here is the newest, if I don't get replies, I will not post more, so if you like, please let me know, thanks

Chapter 1 Hidden Danger

The street was quiet, not a sound other than the cricket song out in the dark field.  The moon was hiding behind heavy clouds and the soft breeze that washed through the small park was carrying on its back the pleasant scent of summer flowers and something else, something the small girl of 17 couldn't distinguish.  It was odd for her as she could usually pick out every scent brought to her nose from the wind that blew through the town but this was odd, strange, something never before smelt and she didn't like it one bit.  The hairs on her neck stood up and she emitted a low growl, she hopped to her two feet and looked out into the darkness to try and find the source of the smell, but even with her cat-like sight, she saw nothing.  She began to walk towards the scent, the hair in her neck still standing quite tall, her every muscle tensed and ready for what might lay ahead.

"Hurry up, someone's coming."

"Oh shut up, no one could be around that would make for a problem, I can smell another wizard a mile away and if it is a Muggle then we kill it, that simple, I need to finish this in quiet, so shut up!"

"Oh right, but if Snape finds out you were taking the risk..." The first voice warned then trailed off to keep a look out for the presence he felt on its way to investigate what was taking place deep within the forested part of the small park they hid in.

The small girl stopped just on the edge of the thick grove of trees at eh back of the park, she stood, as still as any statue her cat-like golden orbs searching the darkness beyond.  She saw a movement, took in a deep breath and barely held back another growl.  There was definitely something going on in there, and whatever it was, it was not natural and would probably stand to be put a stop to before the humans of her town became unwillingly caught in whatever it was these two, possibly more, individuals were up to.

The small form of the girl began to melt away, her arms retracting into her body, on her head a pair of pointed cat ears began to sprout, and then, in a matter of mere seconds, where she once stood, was a sleek black leopard, its golden gaze narrowing as it stepped lightly and without sound into the thick grove to disappear almost totally up into the high branches of the trees, its long sharp claws giving it fast speed upwards and through until it now perched itself, unseen above the two males below who looked to be pouring their attention over a medium sized black cauldron over a small fire.  Her tail twitched as the sour scent wafted its way up to her nose, and once more, stifled a deep growl that was nearly forced from her throat.

The first boy, a tall dark-haired boy of about 18 seemed to be the one selected to stand watch, the other, a sharp looking, neatly trimmed and cared fro boy, blonde and of about the same age, stood, stirring the contents of the cauldron, his gray-blue eyes shimmering in the firelight, reflecting the orange glow with a brilliance that nearly caught the cat off her guard as she found those eyes almost mesmerizing.

"Draco, you about done?" The dark haired boy asked, turning to look at the other.

"Just about, in a few minutes we should have this perfected and then we can dump it into the water supply."  The one named Draco replied with a sinister grin, made even more so in the orange glow of the fire.  "Just think, all those Muggles under his control, doing his bidding and not even knowing about it, this is too great."  The blonde boy stated again, with that same grin on his face.  "You see that person you were so worried about?"

"No, must have changed directions, false alarm I would gather."  The dark haired boy responded, taking another look about eh grove, his actions were not so confident as those of the one named Draco, the dark haired boy seemed quite apprehensive about the whole ordeal.

"There, that should about do it, see how it turns clear, that was what we were..."

The cat jumped down from the tree, and began to circle to the two boys.

There were a few scrams, a flash of green light, gold light and a roar of anger, then a shriek of pain and another.  The darkness was then lit up by a bright array of colors ass the cauldron was tipped over, splashing its contents and spilling into the fire.  The explosion could have been heard for miles and miles, the flash of light was so bright it turned the dark night into day for several long seconds before finally going out and the silence, complete and total silence.

By the time the police got there, there was already two oddly clothed men standing around a mess of sticky liquid and a dead boy, but there was nothing else.  The oddly clad men standing around flicked slender wands at the policemen and the turned around and left, thinking that they were just simply on a night patrol, and there was nothing to remember that was worth anything.

"Probably just a couple of kids setting off fireworks eh John?"  The first policeman said.

"Ya, you're probably right, nothing more.  Well, no sign of them now, might as well get back tot eh streets and find some real crimes."  The second stated and they walked away.

Back in the grove, the two men standing about began to turn their attention to the matter at hand, they had a dead boy, unrecognizable by the way he was so burnt, a spilled cauldron with an undistinguishable sticky liquid sluggishly pouring out of it and steaming quite rapidly in the cold air of the night.

"What do you figure happened here Johnson?'

"Looks like a struggle, there was definitely more than this one here, look around, at the ground Johnson."  Johnson stated, swinging his hand wide around the small area.  "There is another set of foot prints, see, they don't match, and by the looks of it, a third party, a large feline of some sort, I would be willing to bet that the cat was what started or rather, ended this whole affair, but where is the other boy, now that is our question."

"Well, likely the cat drug him off, see over there, you can see where there was something, or someone, being dragged off but the trial ends abruptly, looks like our cat got hungry perhaps?  Took him to the trees from here?"  Grossman responded.

"no, no cat would stick around for a meal after an explosion like this, it would have taken off in fright, no, we have no regular feline here, I am willing to bet once more, tot eh fact that what we have is a Lycanthrope that stumbled upon something it didn't like and the two boys tried to stop the cat from killing them and this is the result, and the one dragged off, will probably be quite alive and wishing he was dead by this time."  Johnson stated, turning around and flicking his wand at the mess, cleaning it up on the spot.  "As for our 'john Doe' better get him back tot eh Ministry for identity check, I think this substance will need scrutiny as well, let's get going."  He finished, taking the cauldron by the handle as Grossman took the boy in hand and then with a loud POP they dissaperated from the scene, leaving it as though there was not but perhaps a small campfire built and put out during the night.
Debating Circle / Voldemort reigns supreme
September 5, 2006, 07:45:08 AM

Well at least in the BigBadRead poll. JK Rowling's creation, Lord Voldemort from the Harry Potter novels, was voted as the favorite literary villain of all time by British schoolchildren.
The BigBadRead poll was conducted by Bloomsbury, had more than 16,000 votes and JK had this to say of the honor:
I am thrilled and honored beyond words that Lord Voldemort has been voted best villain in the BigBadRead poll.
I am not sure how he would react ot knowing that he had won a Muggles' unpopularity poll. A mixture of pleasure that you recognized his power and menace, coupled with fury at your nerve at mentioning his real name, I think. His author, however, is absolutely delighted.
The top five baddies included:
2. Sauron The Lord of the Rings Trilogy JRR Tolkien
3. Mrs Coulter His Dark Materials Sequence Philip Pullman
4. Lex Luthor Superman Graphic novels DC Comics
5. The Joker Batman Graphic novels DC Comics
General / Band Name Game
September 5, 2006, 03:17:53 AM
OK, this is how this works... The first person posts a band name and then the next person must post a band name that starts with the last letter of the band above it 

Example : Doors then the next would have to start with 'S"

Ok, I will start:

Slytherin / New Head Mistress
September 5, 2006, 03:07:38 AM
Kiara, after taking the job as head of Slytherin House, strode into the common area looking about at the empty seats that surrounded the room.  She gave a wistful smile, remembering her time spent in here during her school days.  What a time they had been.  She still held her job as an unmentionable at the Ministry but had wanted to stay close to the school and so, as well, and part of her regular job, took up the position as Slytherin Head.  She wanted to meet the new students of her old house, and especially the new prefect, she hoped he/she would be a good prospect for taking care of 'Slytherin' things.

Kiara turned around and sat on the big leather couch.  "Just as comfortable as I remember." She stated with that same wistful smile on her lips. 

The night was still quite young and Kiara was early, the students were still eating in the hall and the new year was just about ready to start.  She had left for the common room before the Head Master had dismissed them all.  She wanted a few moments in her old house in peace.  Now, she awaited them all, wanting to welcome them all to Slytherin personally.
Harry Potter Fan Fiction / Knight in Shining Armor
September 4, 2006, 12:28:04 PM
((Nothing to do with HP, but I thought you might enjoy))

As I lay, in the room I once called my own but is now not but a guest room in a house I no longer live in.  I stare up into the ceiling, my eyes not focused on any particular object, just simply thinking of times past when I would wait there, for Josh and Chris to come in and save me from my boredom.  I remember how I would lay and wait for the tinkling sound of tiny peddles to dance down the windowsill of my room, announcing their arrival and as I waited, my eyes would sometimes begin to close and often I would fall off into the darkness of sleep, as it was often late into the night when they would finally arrive.  Even in that sleep however, I would somehow hear the tinkling sound, a small but warm and welcoming sound to my ears.  I would sit up, the blankets still nuzzled loosely about my lap, and open the window and smile, as the two boys would crawl up and into the room, smiles on their 14-year-old faces each one looking as though they were up to something, as they usually were and I would sit on the edge of my bed until they would finish speaking a small greeting, one of which they always said.

Tonight wasn't much different, as I lay in the bed I once called my own, I heard the tinkling sound of old and a smile turned up the corners of my lips and I near jumped to the end of the bed and threw the window open and there, standing with the most smug grin on his face, was my best friend, Josh.

Chris of course would not be with him; I knew though instinctively my eyes searched, to find no one.  My smile did not leave however; as Chris had gone off to live in another world separate from the one we still lead on our own now, three Musketeers made two.  As sad as my heart wants to make this, I know as well, it is as it should have always perhaps been, just the two, Josh and Kiara, together forever, best friends that a world of desires and deceit could never separate.

He climbed up and through the open window and looked at me, sitting on the end of the bed and his grin grew wider.  I opened my mouth to say a greeting to him, but he placed a chilled finger on my lips to still my words and I grinned again, knowing what was to come.

"Greetings to my little Angel, my best friend and girl of everyone's dreams.  I come to you in the late night to offer you some warmth and comfort from your dreams."  He began, the words 'I' and 'my' being the replacements for 'we' and 'our'.  He then looked, I believe more out of tradition than any other reason, to his right, something he would have done, as Chris's part would come next, he frowned, as I did, but then turned his lips up once more and he continued, leaving out what would have been the third Musketeer's moment to shine.  "I will join you in your sleep, holding you till the morning when I must again part, no monsters under the bed, not a demon in the night to make you scream."  Then as he finished speaking, I grinned as he began to untie his shoes, I then spoke my bit as I crawled back to the head of my bed.  "What delights I find in my room at night, a comfort not known without you, my best friend, my savior from the night is always welcome, and this little girl could certainly use a knight in shining armor such as the likes of you."  I ended, my part complete as I lie down and bring the blankets up to my shoulders and wait.

Josh then, having removed his shoes as well his shirt, crawled into bed, under my covers and wrapped his now strong arms around my shoulders, placing my head on his chest and I closed my eyes knowing, I would sleep in silence this night, as always I had in the nights they would climb through my window and chase away the visions that waited me in the darkness of sleep, 6 years ago.

As my mind began to slip into the darkness, closing down from the world that surrounded me, I heard him whisper, I do not know that I was supposed to hear, don't even care, because I did, and his next and final words made me smile all the more.

"I have always loved you, and have always protected you... though now, there is another who can do the same, will always be there for you, he loves you in ways I never have, in a way I do not.  Sleep well tonight my little seraph, sleep well, for tomorrow brings another day for you to clear your mind of the past, to move forward so that you might one day, accept the man who wants to hold you beyond the ways of your friends."

That was it, nothing more and when I woke in the morning, he was gone; the only thing he left behind was a sunflower, which he had placed on the stand next to the bed.  I smiled, picked it up and my mind returned to the day when it was a snake in a box, or a mouse, perhaps some sort of childish prank, they, he knew, would bring a smile to my awakening lips.

I found this morning, something in my heart had grown, and a fire had started again that had lay dormant for years.  I found the youth beginning to once again show it's face as never before.  Even in the face of the coldness outdoors, my heart warmed me inside like it used to, in the mornings after the visitors had come to keep me safe and alive.
General / GAS WAR
April 12, 2006, 01:51:56 PM
OK, so I realize not many of you drive, but I know you have parents and perhaps even friends who do.. pass this along would ya, I know it could work if we try.)

GAS WAR - an idea that WILL work

This was originally sent by a retired Coca Cola
executive It came from one of his engineer buddies
who retired from Halliburton. It's worth your

Join the resistance!!!! I hear we are going to
hit close to $ 4.00 a gallon by next summer and it might
go higher!! Want gasoline prices to come down? We
need to take some intelligent, united action.

Phillip Hollsworth offered this good idea. This makes
MUCH MORE SENSE than the "don't buy gas on a certain
day" campaign that was going around last April or May!
The oil companies just laughed at that because they
knew we wouldn't continue to "hurt" ourselves by
refusing to buy gas. It was more of an inconvenience
to us than it was a problem for them. BUT, whoever
thought of this idea, has come up with a plan that can
really work. Please read on and join with us!

By now you're probably thinking gasoline priced at
about $1.50 is super cheap. Me too! It is currently
$2.79 for regular unleaded in my town. Now that the
oil companies and the OPEC nations have conditioned us
to think that the cost of a gallon of gas is CHEAP at
$1.50 - $1.75, we need to take aggressive action to
teach them that BUYERS control the marketplace..not
sellers. With the price of gasoline going up more each
day, we consumers need to take action. The only way we
are going to see the price of gas come down is if we
hit someone in the pocketbook by not purchasing their
gas! And, we can do that WITHOUT hurting ourselves.

Since we all rely on our cars, we can't just stop
buying gas. But we CAN have an impact on gas prices if
we all act together to force a price war.

Here's the idea: For the rest of this year, DON'T
purchase ANY gasoline from the two biggest companies
(which now are one), EXXON and MOBIL. If they are not
selling any gas, they will be inclined to reduce their
prices. If they reduce their prices, the other
companies will have to follow suit. But to have an
impact, we need to reach literally millions of Exxon
and Mobil gas buyers. It's really simple to do! Now,
don't wimp out on me at this point...keep reading and
I'll explain how simple it is to reach millions of

I am sending this note to over 30 people. If each of us
send it to at least ten more (30 x 10 = 300) ... and
those 300 send it to at least ten more (300 x 10 =
3,000)...and so on, by the time the message reaches
the sixth group of people, we will have reached over
THREE MILLION consumers.

If those three million get excited and pass this on to
ten friends each, then 30 million people will have
been contacted! If it goes one level further, you

Again, all you have to do is send this to 10 people.
That's all!
(If you don't understand how we can reach 300 million
and all you have to do is send this to 10 people....
Well, let's face it, you just aren't a mathematician.
But I am . so trust me on this one.) :-)

How long would all that take? If each of us sends
this e-mail out to ten more people within one day of
receipt, all 300 MILLION people could conceivably be
contacted within the next 8 days!!! I'll bet you
didn't think you and I had that much potential, did
you! Acting together we can make a difference.

If this makes sense to you, please pass this message
on. I suggest that we not buy from EXXON/MOBIL UNTIL

General / Musings
December 12, 2005, 01:58:13 PM
A place to post those random musings that are not stories, but one might feel they need to get out all the same and no other place to post.  Have fun, or not, either way, I want to see postings in here, as any who desires to write MUST have general musings laying about and I want to read them... err, please??

Huggles to you all once again
General / To whom it May Concern
December 12, 2005, 01:46:23 PM
I realize, I am not all that old, nor am I all that young either, I also realize, that some won't hear what it is I am saying, either by choice, or because it is that they just plain don't understand but if this gets to just one person, one mind, one lost soul out there, and if it can help, in any way shape or form, to make them realize what it is, they hold in this life time, then my words will never be for naught.

There are times, in life, when you have to make a decision, as to rather you should hold your head up high, and swallow everything you feel, because if you don't, you may kill everyone and everything that has caused you pain or is causing you pain, or, you can act on those feelings without harm to another, you can show them in other ways, express them, let others know how it is you feel, try and understand them yourself, the why's and the how. Then there are times in your life, when you need to let go of those feelings of great hatred, and anger, in order to keep a semblance of who you are, and what it is, you wish to become in your life. Furthermore, there are times, times that it seems there is nothing but darkness that surrounds you, with no escape and you just simply can't see the light, or lights, shining, no matter how small, trying to guide you.

In these times, one more often than not, either can't see, or refuses to see the people around them that hold a proverbial candle to light their way, they can't feel the gentle touch on their elbow, trying to guide them, trying to assure them that things will be fine. Sometimes, just sometimes as well, one tends to not notice how strongly, or deeply they cut the ones they love, though of course, one doesn't mean to, it happens all the same.

I have had many people taken away from me over the years, seen my fair share of death, both physical and mental, to know that these words I say are truth. In my time here on this planet, I too, have fallen to that place that even myself had once called, comfortably numb, yes, I still struggle with it, with defying what it means to actually feel. However, I have also come to learn, that I would much rather, feel the searing pain of hate, or loss, than to ever again, fall into that pit of gray matter, where nothing but cool calm resides. Why? Because that is what makes me human, these feelings that are so horribly ripping and tearing, that is human, that is what I know, for that is what I am. I am a living, breathing being who feels deeply for others, as well as for myself, I try to make a living the best I can, and do things, in a manner that will bring smiles to the faces around me, and to my own, I try and I try, and more often than not, I do succeed, even sometimes, at the cost of my own happiness, I do succeed.

Yes it hurts to say good-bye to loved ones, yes, it hurts to see yourself lost, without direction, yes, you will find yourself in a position where you think it can get no worse, where you feel that you just want to die even, but one only needs to look up, and they can always see the hand of a friend reaching down to them, to pull them up, out of the graying mist. One only needs to look to the left, and see that shining smile of a father, or mother, there to guide them. As well, one only need to look to the right, to know, there is always helping hands to dust them off, and remove the thorns from ones eyes, even if those hands are not familiar, they are there, and they have been placed there for reasons.

So, make of this what you will, I guess my final words are that we all have a friend, even if we aren't acquainted with them, we all have and we all have a parent, we just need to learn to open up to them, and we all have a life, and we all dream of hope, even if it does get smashed along the trail we make through life, it is always there, we just need to look a bit harder sometimes to regain it.

Huggles to all of you
