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My newest one...

Started by Ginny Weasly, May 15, 2007, 06:58:57 AM

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Ginny Weasly

Well, I never did finish my second story. But a quick summery would be that Nathan and Alisha save the day!
Anyhow, I decided that since school is ending for me for summer, I'd like to write the next one. It's going to be confusing (in the beginning) with the time changes, and a good friend of mine gets to enter! ((Yes, Xaver, you!!)) I used an RP between myself and Xaver for a lot of this one. I kept most of Xaver's posts how he typed them, because I would never be able to capture his persona so well in my own style.
(The charactor Xaver belongs to...well, Xaver! He is the only one allowed to post under that name and I thank him immensely for RPing with me.)
Now, please enjoy!
   Ginny Weasly  had one of the most confusing lives in the world. And she hated it. Ginny was almost 40 years old and her children were in jail, her marriage was falling apart, she was set to die soon. Unlike most people, Ginny knew when she would die. Her psychic powers gave her glimpses into the future as well as other people's minds.
   Her powers also told her that the same thing was happening to her younger self. Time travel is confusing, and the easiest way to explain it would be to say that while we live in one time, our future (and past) selves are living and people are able to pass through the times. Ginny could tell she would die young in this time pocket, and she hated that thought.
   As she sat alone by a window in her parents old house, she sighed. She knew there was only one way to save herself. And that involved interfering with time. To interfere with the original time flow is forbidden and the sentence is death. She didn't care at this point.
   After all, she was supposed to die soon anyway.

First Part. ((A/N: I'm only doing parts. Each part is a new post. There may be many parts, or very few. Deal with it!!))

   15 year old Ginny walked quietly up to her newly made bedroom. Here in Romania, she and her husband lived in the palace during the summer. School had been let out, not that this mattered to Ginny. She had dropped out in the middle of this year, after Dumbledore's untimely death. The school still needed her, since she was the only one able to control the forest. But that was the only reason she was going back next year.
   Ginny pushed open the door as she suppressed a yawn. Conan was somewhere, and at this moment, she didn't care. She just wanted to lie down. She flopped on her bed and almost screamed when someone chuckled.
   "What the bloody hell?!" She yelled, rolling off the bed and taking a fighting stance. She paused, her mouth agape at the sight. Even with as tired as she was, she knew this woman. You can never mistake yourself.
   "Hey, kid." The older Ginny said, smiling, "You look exhausted. Working like a dog?" She was slightly taller than the younger Ginny, her hair was longer, with gray in it. She looked worse for the wear.
   "Um. Yeah. No offense, but normally, I don't visit myself for gossip. What's wrong?" Young Ginny knew something bad was about to happen, and she was suddenly wary. d**nit, didn't she ever catch a break?
   "I hate to be the bearer of bad news-"
   "No I don't."
   "-but you need to be careful. Your husband is going to try and kill you."
   Ginny's mouth dropped open again, and she was silent for a moment. Then she started laughing. "Conan? Oh my god! Have you ever met him? Jeeze, he can barely kill a fly!"
   The older Ginny looked amused, "I said try, dear. He is incapable of killing you, but he's going to try. And while you battle him, your powers are going to backfire, and kill you."
   "What?" Now the younger was serious. She was starting to recall all the strange things Conan had done these past few weeks. And she didn't doubt it. She never doubted herself. "But why?"
   "Why does a dog bark?"
   "Because it wants to be heard." Ginny said, realizing this was the answer to her own question. She sighed, realizing that Conan was unhappy and didn't know how to voice it.
   "What should I do?" She asked her older self.
   "Divorce him."
My motivation
An oath I've sworn to defend

My dedication
To all that I've sworn to protect
I carry out my orders
With not a regret

Ginny Weasly

Second Part
   Ginny did just that. Within days she had confronted him and gone back to her own time. Within months, she was in the process of divorcing him. There were problems. Ginny didn't care. She couldn't get past the fact that he had planned to kill her.
   It was fall, almost winter actually. Ginny was back at Hogwarts, but she couldn't concentrate on anything. She was going crazy. She spent much of her time in the forest these days. Today was no exception. Ginny lay on her back in the dead leaves. Her arms were behind her head and her eyes were open. She watched the red, orange and yellow leaves that still clung to the trees above her. Leaves fell around her when the wind blew, but never on her. She heard footsteps within a few moments.
   Xaver approached where Ginny lay, his hands casually jammed into his pockets, his black jeans, shoes, and red shirt faded, but otherwise clean, his black hair spiked in a loose manner. His usually straight shoulders were slouched a bit, his white skin a few shades paler than usual, his eyes unfocused as he walked about in his reverie of thought. Ginny knew Xaver mostly because they had the same friends.  
   Xaver walked blindly on, until he managed to trip over Ginny and fall flat on his stomach. He landed hard, a sharp ache reverberating throughout his body, coming out in a grumbled murmur of exasperation. He rolled over and freed himself from his own tangle of limbs, sitting up quickly, with a near bemused expression, traced in apology.
   "Sorry," he said. Ginny blinked, then her hand went to her side, where his foot had landed before he tripped. Talk about delayed reactions. She rubbed her side and sat up, blinking.
   "Ow." She said, shaking her head then looking at him, "It's alright, I guess. You didn't mean to." She smiled, somewhat happy to talk to someone. Lately she had been hiding from everyone, "What's up, Xaver?"
   He gave an apologetic, lopsided smile, running a hand through his spiked black hair, absently rubbing his neck. Ginny watched him, thinking he was kinda cute. He shifted uncomfortably, and met Ginny's eyes, "Erm.. Ginny.. I was looking for you. You know how to run a country, right?" He shifted again, watching her.
   "Yes, I know." She said, nodding. She stopped smiling though, suddenly reminded of her unpleasantness.
   "Erruh..." He started. Ginny smiled slightly, as that was a noise that always made her smile. The smile left as quickly as it had come though, "You think you can help me some, in the next day, or three? I've got this coronation test...thing, that I have no idea of how to pass. I know it's weird, I shouldn't be asking you this...Death only knows you don't know me enough. You'd probably hate me if you did. Erruh. I shouldn't be asking you. Sorry..." He rose, raked a hand through his short spiky hair, and shifted uncomfortably.
   She watched him for a second before standing and smiling. He really was quit attractive. "I know enough to know I don't hate you." She said, nodding, "I'll help."
   Xaver stared at her, and Ginny almost burst out laughing.
   "Sure, I got nothing better to do." She said, nodding.
   Xaver grinned a bit. Ginny was amazed with his smile, "I'm sure you probably have two hands full of more important things. I thank you greatly Milady." He bowed slightly, surprising her.
   "Not really. Mainly a divorce case and helping to run the school." She said, a bit flustered.
   "Yeah," he said sarcastically, but in a friendly way, "just a few things, no bother."
   "The school is no problem, and as long as you don't try to find me after one of the meetings for the divorce, it'll be no problem." She said, nodding. The divorce was hard on her, and always left her with mixed moods. Ginny had no clue she was portraying her thoughts loudly. Xaver winced slightly, nodding. He didn't mean to read her thoughts; it just happened.
   "Sorry," he said, knowing she would have noticed him listening to her thoughts, "And sorry for the aftereffects of the divorce issue. If it is not too much to ask...who's divorce is it, Milady?"
   She flushed, slightly. She hadn't meant to mention her divorce. "Mine. And stop calling me a lady."
   "Oh. Uh.. Sorry." Xaver shifted uncomfortably, "Err right. What do I call you then, M- ... Ginny.."
   "Just Ginny. And don't feel bad. I'm still a Queen, but only once a month." She smiled, obviously fake. She was still upset from it all.
   "Right. Ginny." He watched her, picking up on the falseness of her smile. His own smile plummeted. "I'm sorry, still. Err, who are you getting divorced from?"
My motivation
An oath I've sworn to defend

My dedication
To all that I've sworn to protect
I carry out my orders
With not a regret

Ginny Weasly

Third Part ((Sorry about all the parts.))
   "Conan Sulai." She pushed a strand of her red hair behind her ear. It was loose today, and bothered her slightly when it got into her face. "And don't be sorry. It's not your fault." 'Yeah, you didn't plan to kill me....' she thought softly to herself.
   "The guy you've been hanging out with a lot? Ooohh..." Xaver frowned, a lot of things connecting. His expression turned a little sad, "What will happen, then, to your country?"
   "That's part of the case. We have to compromise about it." She sighed. "Of course, we also have to do a lot of time jumping."
   "I see," He shook his head, "Time travel is confusing, but I get you. So you and Mr.Sulai, are getting divorced. Are you alright?.." He searched her eyes, genuinely concerned. He didn't dare ask why they were getting divorced. That was where he drew the line, and knew his business would stay away.
   "Alright?" She asked, seeming to not comprehend the word. Ginny was amazed, slightly. This was the longest conversation she had held with Xaver, and she was getting more comfortable with him by the second.
   "As in being satisfactory or in satisfactory condition. How are you holding up, Gin?" He watched her with a soft gaze, a bit apprehensive at the informal name he had used, but feeling it was placed right. He seemed to hope she wouldn't bash him over the head with anything. The thought never crossed her mind. In fact, it felt normal for him to use this name.
   "I guess okay. I don't know. I don't have much to compare it to." She muttered, wrapping her arms around herself. She was a bit uncomfortable, but not because of him. It was because she could never talk about herself much.
   "Well, because you obviously never take enough time for yourself, I believe you. You're strong, Ginny, but you shouldn't have to always be showing it, you know. There are people here for you, you know. In case you would want to explain a bit more thoroughly." Xaver wanted to comfort her, but he really didn't know how.
   "I know there's people. But, they have there own problems, Xaver, and I don't want to burden them with mine. Which, I guess, is the exact reason I'm divorcing Conan." She said, looking down. There was some truth to that last statement. Ginny had avoided Conan so that her problems wouldn't sit on his shoulders and he had assumed many reasons for this.
   "Well, then tell me. I mean I know that I'm probably not the person you'd want to define as one of your friends, but hey, your burdens will never worsen mine. And I'd like to hear them, whenever you feel like telling me." Xaver watched her and Ginny felt his gaze.
   She looked at him, blinking, "Why couldn't I define you as a friend?" She asked, softly.
   "People usually find it wiser not to," he said, shrugging. "I can be a hassle, you know." He almost grinned. Ginny doubted it.
   "You've heard of Kiara? Of Lavender, of Max? They are my friends." She said, watching him. Kiara, Lavander, and Max had many problems, most of which weren't their fault. But they were Ginny's closest friends.
   "I might have heard of them. I don't doubt you're real close. Just saying, it would never bother me if you unloaded once in a while." He smiled at her, spinning a black feather around his fingers.
   "My point is you couldn't be much more of a hassle then any of them. And friends are not hassles." She added, losing her sad demeanor and smiling a bit.
   "You might be surprised. Might not. You never know." He flicked the feather, and it spiraled through the air, downward, then hit the earth like a splash of water, dissolving to shadow. "I am," he said to no one in particular.
   She frowned at him, and for some reason knew this wasn't true. "Are not." She said, stubbornly. He returned her frown.
   "Are too."
   "Are not, and if you contradict me again, you'll have to prove it."
   "I'll say 'Are Too', and prove it by doing that. Contradicting you is providing example of hassle." He chuckled softly, and nudged her with his elbow.
   Ginny raised her eyebrows, impressed, before she grinned, mischievously. "Brat!" She said, suddenly tackling him. Xaver had not been expecting her to tackle him, and he fell over easily, a bemused expression on his face. He grabbed her arms and pinned her down, grinning.
   "Don't make me hurt you!"
   "Ah, bash me woman, torture me to threads may you, you will never win!" Xaver grinned, and didn't let go.
   "Physical strength is what you use! Cheater! Naturally your strong then I am." She protested, still struggling.
   "Naturally and supernaturally," he said in her ear, grinning like mad. "Not cheating, just physically graced. But not graceful." He laughed, and tugged a strand of her soft hair. Ginny felt a jolt in her stomach, but ignored it.
   "Hey!" She said, laughing now, "That's not fair!"
   "Fairness is a privilege!" He grinned, but slipped slightly, falling back to the ground. "Like I said. No graceo."
   She laughed. "No...novio?" she said slowly. Suddenly she laughed, "Don't use Spanish! I'm not very good!"
   "I wasn't! I was just using something that rhymed!" Xaver grinned, tugging her hair again. Ginny once again felt the jolt, this time when he grinned. "But if it made you laugh, that's great."
   She smiled at him, though. "Thank you, Xaver," she said. Briefly, she let her smile light up her eyes. Xaver smiled and nodded, simply staring at her. He liked it when she smiled. Her smile was unusual, in the way it was expressed in a chain reaction over her features. It was rare, it seemed, and only happened when she meant it. Her smile alit her eyes in a very stunning way. It was not too often you saw beauty anymore.
             "Yup," he said, letting go of her hands, and freeing the captured Ginny. He smiled at her, and tugged her hair again. Ginny realized he did it often, however, she didn't mind.
   She kissed him on the cheek and stood again, "Seriously, thanks. Now, what can I do to help you with your test?"
My motivation
An oath I've sworn to defend

My dedication
To all that I've sworn to protect
I carry out my orders
With not a regret


((I love the story just like I love Kiara's and your other one~the one titled a small story~. Please continue ;D ))
Never argue with an idiot. They'll only bring you down to their level and beat you with experience.

some people wonder what my real name's Faith.....don't make fun of it please=]



-is honored-


I loved this topic, truly. Keep going! =P
"Odi et amo."

click here

Ginny Weasly

((Thanks Cho. And I'm glad you like it Xaver! I thought you might!))

Fourth Part
   Xaver coughed, the exhilarated feeling he had felt just a moment before turning upside down, and socking him in the stomach. He rose, his smiles fading. It was obvious he had forgotten about the test. Everyone gets bliss in different ways.
He sighed, his tones lower, and thought about it for a moment, "The test. Right," He shifted uncomfortably, but continued to focus. Amazingly enough.
   "Well, most of it I have down.." he mumbled a few things, though they were incomprehensible. Ginny had to lean forward to hear him better.
   ".. I can dance, though not very well," he flushed a bit at this, "but what I need help with, is some magic stuff. I figured you're the best here, so.." Ginny nodded.
   "Not the best with magic, but probably the best teacher." She said, laughingly, "Cheer up, this will be fun. And the more you worry about the test, the more you'll hate it, and the more likely you'll be to fail."
   She put a hand on his shoulder and smiled, "Seriously. Anyway, is there anything specific?"
   "Either way, one of the best teachers out there," Xaver said seriously. He glanced at her hand and smiled, a warm relief sparking in his eyes. "Yeah. Barriers. There are a few of my father's friends that might just be thinking of assassination. I wouldn't want some unfortunate thing happening..."
   "Ok." Ginny thought for a moment then looked at him, "Do you have any telekinesis at all?" She said, asking an extremely stupid question.
   He grinned, trying to make light of the situation, "No, I've just been talking to you, and mentally, out of sheer luck."
   "Yeah. I'm just horrible with barriers. Well, physical barriers. I can keep the darkest things like my father out of my mind, but at times, when someone wants to hit me with a literal 2by4, I'm screwed." He shrugged.
   Ginny nodded, "You can make physical barriers with your mind sometimes, but you have to have the right amount of control over everything. I only manage to do it when I'm very angry or scared. A lot of making barriers has to do with air power too."
   Xaver nodded, listening closely to her as he always did, his brow furrowed in concentration. "So the barrier when you use it is easier to put up with emotion?" he asked, "and air power? You mean the air element?"
   "Sorta. No one really understands all the powers of the mind. It's a complicated thing. But sometimes, when your emotional, it increases most of the power in your body and mind. For example, did you ever see someone 'swell' with anger? Same thing. Well, since it's hard to learn the air element, this increases the air element for you and your mind shapes it." Ginny said. She was close to confusing herself now. She didn't really care how any of it worked, all she knew was that she could do it when she needed to.
My motivation
An oath I've sworn to defend

My dedication
To all that I've sworn to protect
I carry out my orders
With not a regret

Ginny Weasly

Fifth Part
   "I see. So happiness and anger and fright, because they are strong emotions, could be used as strong weapons.." Xaver watched her with interest, then asked, "So do you mentally shape the barrier?"
   "Sometimes," Ginny said, "and sometimes the air just hardens around you. It all depends on what's coming at you. But, be careful. I blacked out after the first time I tried it. Made the barrier, but it disappeared as soon as I lost consciousness."
   Xaver nodded in understanding, "I've tried them before.. I'm just horrible."
   "Well, if your willing, I can help you a bit." She said, smiling at him.
   Xaver nodded again, "I'll take whatever you give."
   "Then give me your hand. It's easier to combine powers if we touch some how." Ginny said, holding out her own. She smiled at Xaver, happy to help.
   Xaver stared at her for a moment, then slowly reached out, and clasped her small hand within his. He continued to stare at her, half concentrating on the sudden current of power coursing through him. It was exhilarating somehow.
   "Now what?" he said in a low tone.
   "Well, close your eyes and let down your guard. Now, imagine a rock coming straight at your face, too fast to catch or duck. Quickly, compact the air in between you and the rock and harden it, almost like a invisible wall." She said, letting her hand rest.
   "Wait, I have to let down my guard?" He stared at her, shifting his weight uncomfortably. "Erruh. Do I have to?.."
   It sounded childish, but Xaver had never done that before. Which was a bit embarrassing. He didn't like the feeling. Ginny smiled, once again, letting it show in her eyes.
   "Yes, you have to trust me."
   "I... I do..." he said slowly. He watched her eyes, and brought a phantom smile back to his lips. He closed his eyes for a long moment, took a long breath, and shirked around a bit around in his own mind. His thoughts were foreign to him, and it took a lot of searching before he found a way to compress his thoughts.
He opened his eyes and met hers again, not having dropped his guard yet, "Do I really have to?"
   "Yes. Trust me, Xaver. No one can jump into your mind, I've already placed a mental barrier around this entire area." She said softly, watching him struggle with himself. Ginny felt kind of nervous, and kept thinking about her hand touching his.
   Xaver nodded, and with a sigh, flattened his mental barriers. He shivered slightly, but remained mute, focusing his energy. He imagined as she told him to, and a shell-like sheer of magic appeared over them both. Visible, though. He shook his head, but felt out the barrier completely, before dropping it.
   "Visible is good, but you want to catch whoever off guard." She said, "Concentrate, Xaver." Ginny knew he could do this. Even some of the most idiotic students could master this with practice.
   Xaver nodded, closed his eyes again, and concentrated a little harder, focusing. The barrier rose again, this time firmer, stronger, though it was still visible. He cursed lightly, though very quietly as not to offend her, though Ginny did hear, and tried again. The third try was the most secure, and to his pleasure, invisible. Ginny smiled, softly.
   "Keep it there, and I'll slowly let go of your hand." She said softly. She didn't want to. She rather liked the feeling his hand gave her.
   "Alright," He said quietly. He didn't want to, but he nodded, loosening his hold on her hand. Her hand was warm as his skin was usually cold.  He braced himself, and secured the barrier more.
   Ginny really didn't want to let go, but she let her hand slip until only their fingers touched. Without thinking, she let her hand stay there.
   Xaver held the barrier, slowly amending with his mixed feelings, and securing his own stability bit by bit. Finally, he was holding the barrier all his own. The best of it was, he was comfortable with it. He held it for a bit longer, before slowly letting it drop and settle. He turned to look at her, wordless, noting that her fingers were still slightly touching his, and that there was a certain warmth spreading up his spine.
   Ginny followed his gaze and blushed, before pulling her hand back. "Sorry." She murmured.
   Xaver coughed, and flushed a deeper shade as her, though shaking his head."Don't be," he said softly. He straightened his shirt and dusted himself off, though it was not as smooth as his usual. Simply a back-up plan to prevent sheer embarrassment of random. That failed. He went a shade or so darker, and it was obvious, because he was very pale.
She blushed again and cleared her throat. " there anything else you need help with?" She asked, hesitantly.
   "No.. not this moment. I've got to sit down for a minute or three..." Xaver simply sat, leaning back on his palms, sighing softly, closing his eyes. He tried to slow down a bit, stopping the insanity, and slowly building his mental stability up again, being sure to conceal and firmly lock away things he had forced into the darker spots of his mind. There were a lot of those. He opened his eyes once his stability had returned a bit, comfortable with allowing himself to slow down around her. He trusted that she wouldn't kick him while he was down, and trying to rebuild.
   "Okay..." She said, thankful, since she wanted to sit for a moment. She leaned against a tree and slid to the ground. She began to wonder if she had left her newest book in her trunk at school or not.
   Xaver noticed her relief, and he chuckled, dropping to his back with a thud. He stared upward, wincing slightly at the light as he did so, and closing his eyes. Ginny looked out into the forest, her eyes glazing slightly. Mentally, she was searching through her trunk for that book.
   Xaver opened his eyes and watched her with peculiar interest, an eyebrow raising. "What are you thinking about?" he asked softly, not raising his head for it felt heavy at the moment, but he was highly interested.
   Ginny's eyes returned to normal and she looked at him "Nothing, I was searching for something in my chest." She said.
   "In your body, or in your wooden trunk in the school?" He raised an eyebrow, still not willing enough to move.
   "School." She said, leaning her head against the tree.
   "Ok." Xaver smiled slightly, then rose with a quiet groan. He went over to her and extended a hand in offering to help her up. "Allow me to walk you back to the common room? You're probably more tired than me."
My motivation
An oath I've sworn to defend

My dedication
To all that I've sworn to protect
I carry out my orders
With not a regret

Ginny Weasly

Sixth Part
   "Sure..." Ginny said, taking his hand and standing. Suddenly, though, a wave of pictures swept through her minds eye. Small children dying, adults crying, bad thing in general. Her eyes went wide, slightly, and she fell back against the tree. Xaver hadn't let her hand go, and he kneeled down next to her, not letting go, frowning.
   "Are you alright?", he asked.
   She blinked, then said very softly, "yes..."
   "What happened?" Xaver questioned gently, unmoving. He watched her, concerned. She paused a moment, then shook her head.
"Nothing." She told him. She didn't want to burden anyone with her visions. They happened all the time, and were really more of a nuisance than anything.
   He noticed her frown and his frown deepened. "Nothing is always something," he said softly. "Seriously, what's up?"
   "Just a vision I didn't ask for. It's nothing." She said, trying to smile. Xaver nodded, but didn't press. For that, she was thankful.
   "So you still want to go to the castle?" he asked.
   "I don't care." Ginny said, standing straight again. Really, she didn't. She was now tired, and was beginning to get a headache. Xaver followed and stood as well, watching her still, smiles fading into tired remoteness.
   "Well, alright then...," he mumbled. He looked toward the castle and started toward it, his head heavy, but lighter in a way. He paused to wait for her. Ginny walked beside him silent, watching the ground. She tried to keep her mind clear, because whenever she had an unwanted vision it knocked down her barrier.
   Xaver watched her for a long moment, calculating, his frown deepening. Suddenly, yet slowly, he reached out and took her hand, through the connection, passing reassuring strength and an open tap to his powers to her. Like she had helped him, he opened his own magical source, and allowed her to reach it through him, so she could properly assert and secure herself. He only hoped it wasn't a stupid move, and he would get a shove or anything. He wasn't exactly full of balance right then.
   The sudden connection surprised Ginny and she looked up, at him. "I couldn't take any power from you..." She said softly. It wasn't that she couldn't, she didn't want to.
   "I insist, Ginny," he whispered in return. "I won't have you struggling with anything I might be able to help. Please. There's years of pent up energy and magic stored within me. You can't do harm. It might help with me being so hyper all the time. Maybe you can fix my snotness." He smiled down at her, softly squeezing her hand.
   "I..."she paused, "don't want to weaken you..."
   "I could never force you into something you didn't want to do, but really, please let me help. I have more energy than I know what to do with. And I have a high motabolism, or so I've heard it to be called, with magical power. I'll regroup soon enough." Xaver smiled down at her, and chuckled again, keeping his tones low and gentle.
Ginny bit her lip, she hated asking for help, or even taking it. Not because she felt like she owed the person afterwards, but more because she felt guilty about it. "Xaver, your top nice for your own good..."
   "I try. I fight to be. Sometimes it actually works out right that way." He winked, and leaned closer to her still walking, relaxing his barriers for the second time, and yet securing them up, so she was welcome to his mind and power, however bashful and hidden some thoughts were, and securing it so she would be safer while doing so. "Recoup, Ginny."
   She stopped walking, and carefully took the tiniest amount of power she could. He did, after all, insist. And she needed the extra strength to rebuild her block. Before she let go of his hand, though, she paused, then did something completely impulsive and out of character for her.
   Ginny leaned forward and kissed Xaver, lightly on the lips, then let go of his hand and took a step back, "Thank you," she said, before looking away.
   Xaver nodded, watching her. He was not expecting it, and was pleasantly surprised when he felt her lips meet his. The kiss was brief, and left him longing for the shortened, but exhilarating feeling. He stared at her for a moment, before a warm smile cracked and spread throughout him, "You are welcome. Literally. Whenever."
   Ginny nodded, hoping she hadn't been wrong to do that. She kept her gaze to the side, away from him, and didn't see his smile. She had liked the feeling as well, no, she had loved it. He was a contrast to her in many ways, and that seemed to make some kind of reaction. She had no clue, but whatever the reaction was, she wanted more. She didn't dare do it again though.
   Xaver gently hooked his finger under her chin, looking into her eyes for a long moment. Ginny looked back, wondering briefly if he would tell her to not do that again. He smiled slightly, then returned her kiss with one of his own, almost sighing aloud as his lips met hers. That electricity revved up through them, and almost numbed his brain enough that he almost didn't pull away, slowly and softly.
   He had wanted that. But like he had said earlier, he didn't ever want to force her. He somehow knew she was too fiery and stubborn to be forced anyway, but he respected her. She stared at him nervously, but happily. She loved that feeling.
   "Um...guess we should get back..."she said, not moving to do as she said, but still looking at him. As strange as it was, she was practically immobile from slight shock. Xaver nodded, smiling down at her.
   "Yeah, alright. It seems to be getting late." He gently squeezed her hand, of which he had taken hold of moments ago, forcefully turning and taking a small step toward the castle, as was her wish.

((A/N: Alright, this RP actually kept going, but I couldn't use the rest in the story. If you'd like more of that one go to The story continues, I just have to find the thread. haha. Please post!))
My motivation
An oath I've sworn to defend

My dedication
To all that I've sworn to protect
I carry out my orders
With not a regret

Ginny Weasly

Seventh Part
((A/N: Xaver's sister is an important part. Just so's y'all know, Kylie belongs to Xaver. Only he can do anything with her character. This is all from another RP.))
   Ginny had been walking through Hogsmead for the past few hours. Ever since that day in the forest, a few days ago, she'd been a bit scatterbrained. She had only meant to stop by one store, but had ended up wandering around. She still wanted to know why she had been so impulsive that day.
   Besides that, Conan was stirring up trouble. He didn't want to agree on anything. And it was driving Ginny crazy. She sighed and pushed her hair out of her face. As she did so, she glanced up the street, catching a glimpse of Xaver picking up a little girl.
   Ginny appeared in front of Xaver and the little girl. She blinked, then smiled. It was more than obvious that this cute child was Xaver's sister. The child was young, bundled in thick jean pants, and a big, bulky, fluffy looking coat, her hands covered with what looked like three sets of wool mittens, just as many socks over her small feet beneath her floppy, but child-approved pink shoes. Long, wavy black hair tumbled down over the many blacks and pinks and blues and greens, and so on, and blue eyes, a reflection of his, but not nearly as dark, looked to Xaver. She would have looked like a normal, 'adorable' little girl, if it had not been for the small black, bluish wings (her frame was still small, so her wings were still small, though big to her) sprouted from her back; a comfortable presence behind her, but an odd one to onlookers.
   "Hey." Ginny said, nodding to Xaver. She looked at the small girl, smiling still, "Hi," she said.
   "Hey Ginny." Lavy said walking from behind Xaver so that she could see his face. Ginny smiled and nodded at Lavy as she walked by. Then she looked back at the little girl and Xaver again.
   "When did you find your brother...Kylie?" Ginny asked, looking at the smaller one, smiling. She knew she wasn't wrong, after all, she was a psychic. She had also guess the name, remembering hearing about her.
   "M'lady," Xaver replied, his voice low.  He didn't really expect Kylie to reply, but she did. It cheered him up a bit, and that was evident.
   "I founded him just a second ago," she said, turning her head to look at Ginny, just for a moment, and finding the rare amount of trust Xaver had for her appealing. She kept looking at Ginny. "I flew here all the way from home. I hope nobody had followed I."
   "Me," Xaver corrected gently, and she nodded.
   "Me," she repeated.
   Xaver suddenly frowned, and grew a shade paler. He had been so worked up over seeing her, he had forgotten the added danger of someone seeing the little princess and following her. He felt like cracking a stone wall over his head. And what would they say about her flying?
   -I need to get her out of here. It's not safe for her..- Xaver sent to Ginny, telepathically.
   -Do you need help?- Ginny asked him  back while aloud she spoke to Kylie, "By yourself? Didn't that tier you at all?"
   -I'm taking her to Hogwarts. She knows a lot about magic. Maybe it will be ok, for a temporary place for her to stay. McGonagall has already accepted her.. knowing about the situation.- Xaver's voice rang quietly in Ginny's mind.
   Kylie shook her head, smiling, playing with a flappy ear built into the hood of her fluffy coat. "Just a little," she said honestly. "But only because I haven't been flying as much as I used to, when 'aver and Xences were around, and Father was alive. I've been treated like a baby, missus. It was so unfair. But I'm back with brother, now. Yep, I'm back with brother."
   Ginny smiled at the cheerful little girl, "I'm sure your brother loves having you here to. By the way, no need to call me missus. I'm Ginny."
   "He does," Xaver said, smiling a bit, continuing toward the castle, slowly at first, to not be rude, but to remind of urgency. Kylie smiled at Ginny, holding tighter to Xaver's shoulder, chewing on a black, silk looking pool of liquidy candy Xaver handed her. She smacked her lips, sucking her thumb to get the black liquid candy off.
   "Missus Lady Ginny." She laughed.
   "Now, not that either. Ginny is fine." She said, half scolding the child. All the while she kept her eyes out. If Xaver was concerned, then she was a bit as well. A certain something lingering in a small slit, between two shops. Xaver flicked a hand, his eyes aflame with a deadly glow, and a black haze erupted from his fingers, sliding unceremoniously through the crowd to the dark area. The little place grew suddenly white as pure snow, then darker than ever before, the shadows themselves dripping like black liquid, the deepest blacks dripping slowly, leaving the usual shadow, of which was now, unoccupied.
   Kylie, noticing none of this, because though her senses were sharp, she was in no way as in-tune as Ginny or Xaver, still sucked at her thumb, where the dark candy had settled for her to slowly eat. "Laady Ginny," she said seriously, drawing out 'lady', with a certain air of importance.
   -What was that?- Ginny asked Xaver, her mind calm. "No, what makes you think I'm a lady?" She asked Kylie, still laughing at the absurd idea.
   -Someone following us,- Xaver replied, though he was a bit calmer now. Once you threatened to incinerate someone, calmness just seems to happen. -I think we'll be fine here for a little bit of time now. Enough to get Kylie into safer headquarters.-
   "Bucause," Kylie said, smacking her lips. "You are older than me. And you look like a lady. And bucause," she sucked for a moment on the candy on her thumb, "you are the queens of 'Omaineeat.
   "Omaineet?" Try hard as she could, Ginny didn't understand the girls word, "and isn't your brother older then me?" She raised an eyebrow at Kylie.
   Xaver avoided a group of giggling witches, watching straight ahead, his mind not really near their conversation.
   "Well ya," Kylie said, sucking her thumb still, eyes never leaving Ginny though. She had taken a liking to Ginny. She didn't treat her like a baby. " 'aver is a twin brother to Xences. But Xences was bornded second. Xences likes dark stuffs more, and I think he left to Hell again. He's a bad boy. 'aver and Xences are four thousands and three in our years, but only seventeen in body here. I don't know how to esplain it, Lady Ginny. I don't know if he would be older then you, but in our years I thinks he is."
She absently chewed her candy, then tried again at the word, " 'Omainia?"
   "In our years, yes he's older then me. And you mean 'Romania'?" Ginny said, nodding. She smiled at Kylie, the kid was a cutie, and very well behaved. She was interesting, and as sweet as the candy she was eating.
   Kylie nodded, "Ya! 'Omania! See? That's another reason I calls you 'lady'. You're a queen."
   Xaver shifted Kylie slightly at his side. Not that he was tired; he was strong, and barely felt her weight at all. No, she was slipping, and he didn't want her to be uncomfortable. He nodded at Ginny and turned to take the path through the forest, then smiled at Kylie, she smiled back, and then his attention was back to everywhere else.
   "Anyways," Kylie said, resting an elbow on Xaver's shoulder. She smacked her lips and grinned, "Some other families like to play by all the ruleses, and if we had been in a different family, I guess that I would have had to calls 'aver and Xences Lords. But 'aver never liked that stuffs, and told me not to. He said it wasn't right. Father always had me call him lord though. And I'm a princess. I get called lady a lots by people who work for us in the castle. I only was able to get away from those picky people and our weird home when I went and followed 'aver to training. Only 'aver would let me come with him."
   She waved her hand, unusually comfortable with talking to Ginny.  "Xaver would probably not like me talking so much about out home, but I bet he talks about it lots, right?"
   "Actually, Xaver hasn't spoken much about it. But I'm sure he'd tell me if the time was right." She smiled, then telepathically asked, -Xences?-
   Xaver stopped midstride, blinking, staring at Ginny. Kylie looked back and forth from him to Ginny, sucking on her thumb, confused.
   "What about Xences?" he questioned aloud, his tone low and monotonous. He continued to walk, but continued to stare at Ginny. Kylie, tucked her head into his shoulder, but turned so she could see Ginny's face.
   "Family?" She asked, smiling reassuringly at Kylie then looking at Xaver.A quick memory of kissing him passed through her mind, but she pushed it back. Now wasn't the time for that.
   Xaver nodded. He stiffened slightly, but his voice softened as he replied to Ginny. "My twin brother," he said shortly. Ginny nodded, slightly.
   Kylie nodded as well, "Yup, our brother. He's a bad boy."
   Xaver raised an eyebrow down at her, and nodded, "In a way, she's perfectly right."
My motivation
An oath I've sworn to defend

My dedication
To all that I've sworn to protect
I carry out my orders
With not a regret


((please continue...I really think it was getting better every part...whose following them?))
Never argue with an idiot. They'll only bring you down to their level and beat you with experience.

some people wonder what my real name's Faith.....don't make fun of it please=]

Ginny Weasly

Thank you, muches.

It's more important to think of who ordered whatever it was to follow them. than who/what was following.

I'll post more soon. I can't tonight, I'm going to the drive in.
My motivation
An oath I've sworn to defend

My dedication
To all that I've sworn to protect
I carry out my orders
With not a regret


Hmm thinking....thinking.....
Never argue with an idiot. They'll only bring you down to their level and beat you with experience.

some people wonder what my real name's Faith.....don't make fun of it please=]

Ginny Weasly

Eighth Part
   "I see." Ginny said, nodding. She looked back at Kylie and smiled then, "So, would you like your own room?"
   "Room?" Kylie's tones grew excited. "What room?!" Xaver grinned slightly at Ginny, as they neared the castle grand doors.
   "Of course a room, Kylie. Where else would you stay? I'd never forgive myself if I let you sleep outside." Ginny said, looking almost like a child herself.She was rather surprised at idea. She wouldn't ever make any one sleep outside, much less a child.
   "I dunno. What will it be like? Will there be elveses and chocolate?" Kylie asked. Xaver stared at Kylie, then almost laughed, for she was so excited. He kicked open the grand doors, and entered. Ironic to his heritage, he was Gryffindor, so he headed up to the Gryffindor common room, entering, and finding it pleasing that there was no one else around. He set Kylie upon the couch, messed her hair slightly, and began to untie her right shoe, shaking his head as she shifted, clutched the pillow, and simply, fell asleep. He kneeled down, took off her shoe and set it on the floor next to him, then began to take off her many, many socks.
   "Once she's down to one or two layers of clothing, she will be more comfortable in here," he explained softly.
   Ginny nodded and knelt beside him, helping him, "So, where do you plan to have her sleep?"
   "No idea. Is there room near you in the girls' dorm? She likes you. That is very unusual. She rarely ever says a word to anyone other than me. A good sign, I think. Maybe she's coming a bit out of her shell my father and brother so aptly created." He tried a smile over at her, and took off Kylie's beanie and four baseball caps, and three sets of ear-muffs.
Ginny smiled, "She's a cute girl, Xaver. Despite having people so dark around her she's so....light." She looked at Kylie, thinking, "You know what? She can have my room. I never sleep much anyway, and rarely use the room, plus they gave me my own since I'm not a student anymore."
   "Yeah. She is. She's kept me alive." Xaver smiled slightly, then gently removed four fluffy coats from Kylie, careful of her wings, and when he neared setting the coats down, he hesitated, staring at Ginny. He wasn't used to her kind of generosity. It confused him. "Really?"
   "Yeah. She can even decorate it however she wants. As long as I have a space to keep my trunk, she's fine." She said, not noticing his hesitation.
   Xaver continued to stare at her, almost gaping, "Why would you do that?" He shook his head, setting Kylie's coats down on her shoes and other stuff. "And why do you keep helping me, when I don't really know what to offer in return?"
   Ginny stopped and turned to him. She was on her knees, which meant she had to turn at the waist, "Who said you had to offer anything in return?"
   Xaver was still staring at her, "Who said helping me was a smart idea?"
   "Who said it was a dumb idea?"
   "Who said it wasn't?" he mumbled, picking up a blanket from the couch arm.
   "Wait. Pick her up. We might as well take her up there now." Ginny said, stopping his hand that held the blanket.
   Xaver grinned and nodded, reaching down with brotherly care, and picking Kylie up, holding her at his side, allowing her to tuck her head into the curve of his shoulder and neck. He mumbled a few kind words into her ear, picking out of her pocket, an entire handful of candy. He raised an eyebrow, glanced at Ginny, and shook his head. "She's addicted to sugar," he explained.
   "Makes sense. Now wonder she's so sweet. " Ginny teased softly, standing and motioning for him to follow her to the girls dorm.
   Xaver grinned slightly, and shook his head, following. He was a bit wary of the girls' dorm, but decided that Kylie's needs were more important. He almost tripped on a stair, and Kylie mumbled, "Silly dork." Xaver had to grin, and laughed aloud at this, shaking his head, still following Ginny.
   "Smart girl, she is." Ginny giggled. The walked on, till about the middle of the tower when she stopped and tapped a door. The lock clicked and the door swung open. The room was slightly dusty, but brightly lit by a large window. The bed had the red and gold covers of Gryffindor along with the canopy. There was a bookcase, which looked at though it needed cleaned. The only thing that seemed to have ever been touched was the large chest in the corner.
   Ginny walked to the bed and tapped it with her wand, extracting the dust and pulling back the covers.
   Xaver grinned at her, then gently placed Kylie in the bed, ruffling the girl's hair. He pulled up the covers to her chin, and gently tucked the blankets at her side, smiling a glance over at Ginny, then watching Kylie sleep soundly, falling silent for a long moment before speaking.
   "I could hug you," he said, facing Ginny with a wider grin, then exiting the room.
   Ginny smiled and left the room, following Xaver. She left the door part way open, but not fully, "She should be safe. All of my worldly possessions are within that chest, and the entire room has so many protection spells, it's ridicules."
   Xaver smiled, and hooked an arm around her shoulder, messing up her hair teasingly, "I don't doubt it." Xaver released her, smiled, and dropped into a chair, "Thank you."
   "It's nothing. Besides, I like her." Ginny said, leaning against a wall and sliding down it to sit on the floor.
   Xaver smiled over at her, rising from his chair and beginning to pace. Quickly, "She likes you too. She shows how much she likes someone by the amount and way she talks."
   "So if she hadn't liked me she would have been quiet? Makes sense." Ginny said thoughtfully.
   "Yup," he said, pacing still. "Defense mechanism. You would never hear a word from her where I came from, unless she was with me while I was training."
   "I see, the less she spoke, the easier it is for people to over look her." Ginny said, tapping her fingers on the floor.
   "No. The less it was my father, brother, and the castlepeople picked on her. And my father... my father was a brutal man." Xaver scowled at the ground, and continued to pace, his footfalls harder.
   "And?" Ginny said, watching him pace. She knew there was more to the story, and thought it might be better for him if he got it out.
   "And..." His scowl disappeared, and he looked up with a blank expression, staring at Ginny, meeting her eyes without discomfort.
-Why am I telling you this?-
   "And.. my father had no qualms about hitting little girls around. It wasn't right. She was just a kid. Kids should be able to make a mistake or three. She fell completely mute to everyone except for me, until she saw you," He smiled a little, "You're the best thing to happen to her in a long time."
   "Well, I agree, it wasn't right, and he must have been a brutal man. But I do know why your telling me. Because she trusts me enough to talk, and you trust her judgment." Ginny said, smiling back.
   "Her judgment means a lot to me," Xaver agreed slowly, nodding, beginning to pace again. He thought it might have been a little more than that, but he didn't know how to word it. He watched her lips turn into a smile, and he calmed a little bit, his pacing a little less brutal.
   Ginny nodded at him, her respect for him rising. Out of such respect, she had stayed out of his thoughts ever since he had picked up his sister, "Your going to get tired." She pointed out, "Or wear a hole in the floor, whichever comes first."
   Xaver nodded, trying a grin, "I'm not tired though," he said stubbornly. "And a nice trench in here would be really homey."
My motivation
An oath I've sworn to defend

My dedication
To all that I've sworn to protect
I carry out my orders
With not a regret


Never argue with an idiot. They'll only bring you down to their level and beat you with experience.

some people wonder what my real name's Faith.....don't make fun of it please=]

Ginny Weasly

Ninth Part ((A/N: Some more pointless banter between the two. To understand their friendship, you need to understand how they get along, don't you?))
   "Do I have to force you to sit down?" She asked, grinning back devilishly.
   Xaver grinned back, a bit more demonically, "Try me, woman," he said, not disrespectfully of course. He didn't stop, keeping his eyes on her.
   Ginny stood, watching him as well, still grinning, "Try? No, I'm sure I could get you on the floor at least."
   "Then what? Beat me senseless? Try might you, Milady, you will not win," he teased gently. Xaver stepped slower, and more melodramatically, grinning
   "I thought I told you not to call me that!" She said, laughing as she walked toward him. She didn't run, for she was sure he'd see her coming anyway.
   "I thought I told you it was habit," he returned, a bit more stubbornly. He grinned a bit broader, his aura lifting slightly as she laughed, as he still paced, though watching her.
   She walked till she stood in front of him, forcing him to stop walking. The toes of her sneakers touched the toes of his shoes and she smiled. Briefly, she heard her heart pounding, but she forced it to calm.
   Xaver grinned slightly, and settled his hands on each of her arms near her shoulders, holding her firmly, but gently. He could feel her shoes against his, and his grin widened. He pushed her foot back with his, sliding her back across the floor, but not enough so that she would fall, then pushing her other foot back, walking still, and pushing her backwards with him.
   She laughed, and planted her feet, focusing her energy to the floor so he couldn't mover her so easily. "Oh come on, your such a cheater." She said, still laughing.
   Xaver chucked huskily. He struggled a bit, but managed to keep pushing, twirling her slightly as he ran out of floor to walk on, chuckling a little bit more, "Cheater, I am not, grasshopper."
   "Do I look green to you?" She asked, smirking, still planning what to do.
   Xaver continued to push her with his feet, his grin widening, "Nope. I'm pleased to say there is no green, Milady." He chuckled and grinned, noticing her smirk.
   "Stop it!" She said, suddenly wrenching her arms from his grasp and placing one hand on his chest, pushing him backwards and to the side, making him land on a chair. She stood in front of him, smiling at this small victory.
   Xaver fell into the chair, then adverted his weight so the chair tipped backward. He rolled backward to stand, staring at her with a soft grin on his face, "Stopped."
   Ginny laughed and pulled the chair back to it's original position. His grin broadened, and he rounded the chair, tipping it back over with his elbow just to be stubborn.
   "I like your laugh," he stated. "You should laugh more." Xaver firmly, but gently nudged her in the arm with his elbow.
   "Thank you." She said, smiling and blushing slightly, "I should, but there isn't much to laugh about." She said.
   "Well, laugh about things that aren't that funny. Make light of things that might not be so good. Just make sure to do it when I'm around." He smiled, tugged her hair, and pushed her foot back with his, teasing, before suddenly turning and crouching to pick up the chair he had simply decided to pick up again.
Ginny blinked, then smiled, "I'm gonna start putting my hair into a ponytail so you can't pull it." She said, smiling, teasing him. She hadn't had this much fun simply talking and laughing with anybody in a while. Most of her friends were long gone from Hogwarts, and the ones still around were often busy.
   "I'll still tug it," Xaver growled stubbornly, teasingly, into her ear after he set back up the chair. "I will find a way," he quoted, chuckling.
   "Hmm, well, I wouldn't cut it all off. I like my hair." She said, smiling.
   "Don't cut it. I like it too. Besides, that would give me reason to find another way to bug you." He grinned, and again tugged her hair, but backed away slightly as to not invade her space.
   She smiled, "Another way to bug me? Like how? So I can prevent that in the future." She said teasingly.
   "Well, I haven't figured it out yet. But I'll be sure to tell you." He shook his head, and after a moment, a thoughtful expression crossed over his face, and he stared at her.
   "What? Planning something already?" Ginny teased.

My motivation
An oath I've sworn to defend

My dedication
To all that I've sworn to protect
I carry out my orders
With not a regret