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Started by Xaver, May 6, 2009, 02:09:07 PM

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(open. a paragraph or more is asked, however.  --No, Xaver is not in England anymore. No, he's not immediately accessible. And no, he's not really okayss.. =(
GIINNNNYYY, I callll on theeee! ^_^ First, post, anyway? lol. idc. <333 lubbb - Xav.)

   It was the smell of antiseptic that woke him. Permeating his senses, his nose, his mouth. There was no sight. No sound. Nothing but the smell and the proprioception that he was still whole, and flat on his back; nothing but the wonder of the wrongness that was so deeply engrossed in the depths of his soul. Fingers felt distant as they brushed his all too fuzzy cheek, and the light tones that sounded overhead were jumbled, and agonizingly unfamiliar in the murky depths of blackness that was all but smothering him.
The loves of his life, and the only images he could seem to formulate through the fog – where were they now? He was stuck somewhere between the living and a hearse, if the water-logged feel of his body was anything to go by, but–
A prick in the right underside of his wrist startled him, but he physically gave no response, surprised at the feel of a cool needle sliding into his flesh, but not able to muster any form of reaction. Everything was too heavy, and the numbness was too complete. Warmth flooded into his arm, and all too soon the small break of alertness he had faded, and again came the rush of everything he couldn't understand, and nothing at all.

His brow pinched, sudden awareness startling him into a sort of half-awake, half-dead haze. His tongue felt thick, but even as he soundlessly murmured his wife's name, he felt more at home within himself; more alert. More confused.
The light, feminine tones that he didn't recognize but found strangely familiar came from his left. He couldn't force his head to turn or his eyes to open, but his brow pulled in understanding. The small movement brought an odd pain to the side of his head, but through the haze of drugs he seemed to be under, through the steady flow into his arm, he couldn't tell the extent of it, the pain or the injury.
"Sir, can you open your eyes for me?"
No, he couldn't. He didn't really want to. He was still dog tired, and-
Fingers pried his left eye open, and a light was pointed into it. Reflexively, he bristled, but no muscles responded below his throat, and few even stirred in his face. Even so, the woman released his eye, and a click sounded the light being turned off.
"Sir, can you tell me your name?"
He stilled.
His name?
His brow pulled again, furrowing, this time bringing a searing pain through his temple, though he fought to ignore it, tearing through his thoughts. His name?!
He knew his name.
He knew his name..
He hiccupped mid-word, his throat a swollen and torn mess and his tones coming out too light and thready to even be understood. A small hand lightly patted the top of his arm, just over the needle pumping the drugs into him.
"No worries, sir. You're alive, that's what counts. We'll get your details later."
His lips parted, but little but a hoarse whisper came out – and she was gone. He clenched his teeth together, annoyed at the little strength he could even muster in that. They were drugging him. They had to be. There was a reason, that..
Darkness and the endless depths of nothing took him without a breath of warning.

"Joy, we don't even know this fella's name. He could be a criminal, for all you know. A freak. They don't just come 'n here lookin' like that while retaining any semblance of innocence."
"I know, doctor. But-"
"It's not doing you any good getting yourself emotionally protective over your patients."
"Doctor Sanders, I know. But you can't just move him. He's safe here; and he's been in and out of a comatose state for nearly three days. It's not like he's going to even be walking in three months. Moving him to another facility might put him at risk-"
"For wh-"
"I've been doing this job for a long time now, Manny. They don't come in here looking like that on accident. Someone did this to him. Someone who is still out there. A public facility just isn't appropriate right now."

American accents.
Xaver's eyes slowly slid open, the dark, icy depths of his blue oceans flickering over his surroundings. White seemed to be the theme here, from the curtains of the barred window across from his bed, to the walls and the floors, the furniture, and the bedding. It was dark beyond the curtains, and no lights were on in his room, but enough light penetrated in through his open door from the hallway – another expanse of endless and boring white. At least the maze of bruises coating his body brought a little color to his area. Looking down at himself, his lips twitched at the thought, though slightly despairingly. The two down the length of the hallway at the nurse's station had been his primary care-takers, but he'd been adamant in keeping them ignorant to the fact that he'd fully awoken from whatever darkness had swallowed him so wholly. He rarely trusted, and strangers that had him pinned in a strange room were at the top of his list for distrust.
Gaze flickering to the rise beneath the pale sheets where his feet idly jutted, his brow furrowed. He wiggled his toes, focusing through the numbness that had enraptured his body so completely. Though he was not comforted, he was satisfied as they wiggled at his command.
He had to get out.
Even if he hadn't stood on his own in who knew how long.
He had to get to Ginny.
The instinct that was so deeply ingrained within his creature struggled with every passing moment lacking action, his heart strumming an aching bruise into the underside of his chest. He was not built for confinement – not built for cages, or walls. Which was within exactly that he seemed to be stuck.
"Odi et amo."

click here

Ginny Weasly

((It took forever to figure out how to write this. I also had to remember that England is 5 hours ahead of America...))

The sound of a baby crying. Was it really happening, or was it just a dream? She hoped it was a dream, but she knew. She could feel the blankets around her, the pillow beneath her cheek. She heard the soft padding of footsteps as Cody came running back the hall to her room.

"Moooom! Mel woke up!"
He was at the side of her bed when she opened her eyes. His pale blue eyes, so like his father's were staring at her with a mix of annoyance and eagerness. His hair was disheveled, he'd obviously been asleep as well. He seemed happy to play big brother, though, and help his mom out with his sister while his father was away.

Ginny blearily mumbled something that sounded like a good morning, and Cody ran back out of the room. Supposedly off to make faces at Meliody while he waited for Ginny to come do the mom stuff. Ginny swung her feet over the edge of her bed, glancing at the clock and sighing. It was so early. The sun was just barely peeking over the horizon, and she hadn't slept well at all. Horrible dreams.
What had she been dreaming about?

Ginny couldn't recall the dreams at all as she pulled on a pair of sweatpants to wear with the t-shirt she had slept in. She yawned, covering her mouth and treading slowly down to where her two children were making noises at each other in her daughter's bedroom. Cody stood in front of the crib blowing raspberries, and Meliody was cooing at him.
"Hello there my little princess." Ginny said, picking up her youngest and going about changing her diaper. Cody left the room during this process, wrinkling his nose and going to get dressed for school. It wasn't long before all three were in the kitchen.

"Mom?" Cody was pushing his cereal around in his bowl, hesitantly eating it because his mom wasn't letting him add sugar.

"Yes angel?" Ginny was leaning against the counter, now fully dressed for the day. Meliody was in her arms, being fed with a bottle. Ginny was busy running through a mental checklist of her things to do, but she didn't mind Cody disturbing this.

"When did Dad say he's gonna be back? I miss him."

It felt like something hit Ginny in the stomach when Cody said that. She couldn't understand it. He often said he missed his father while Xaver was away. Why did mention of her husband now make her so increasingly worried?
"I'm not sure, honey. He's been gone for over a month. He told us he had something very important to do and didn't know when he'd be home, remember angel? He should be home soon."

The truth was, Ginny was always worried when Xaver went away. But something was wrong, she could feel it deep in her gut. Almost a month with no contact. She hadn't expected any for a few weeks, but the last week or so had been worse. Now she wasn't sure if he was supposed to contact her.

The doorbell rang, it was one of Ginny's brothers coming to take Cody to school. He gave his mother a kiss and ran out the door. Meliody was fast asleep again, doing as babies tend to do. Ginny took her back to her crib and then crept back to her own room. It took her over an hour but she finally found what she was looking for.
It was a small orb, a bit bigger than a marble. Inside the clear glass was a small black feather. A feather orb that Xaver had given her years ago.

Ginny slipped it into her jeans pocket, biting her lip. She didn't want to use it unless this feeling grew too bad to ignore. Which it was close to doing.


"Time for rounds Joy?" The second nurse, Polly, glanced up at the clock, then back at her counterpart for confirmation. Joy nodded, flicking a hand as if to say it wasn't her turn this time. Polly smiled, shaking her head and got up from the nurse's station. Rounds were fairly easy, all one had to do was walk from one end of the corridor to the other, peeking inside of the rooms and making sure no one had died.
Which was apt to happen with some of these patients.

Like that guy. They had no name for him, he was a John Doe. He hadn't been able to stay conscious long enough to give a name. He had a habit of muttering other things in his sleep, but no one had been able to understand him fully. His accent was thick, and no one could even place it. This guy was fully a mystery.
And Polly's first stop on rounds.

She went into the room without flicking on the lights. All she had to do was check the monitor, and she didn't need light. Besides, unconscious people don't really need to see who's in the room with them, do they? Polly picked up the John Doe's chart as she walked over to his monitoring machine. She had to record his heart rate and stuff like that so the doctor could review it in the morning.
Polly frowned at the machine, it was reporting an unusually high heart rate for a comatose patient.
My motivation
An oath I've sworn to defend

My dedication
To all that I've sworn to protect
I carry out my orders
With not a regret


He didn't know how long he'd been away, or what he'd been doing in the meantime, recalling only his leaving home and a few glimpses after. Glimpses that made no sense and could almost be deemed worthless, for the bleak images – a mug of cocoa, the garb he wore upon leaving his home – put nothing together for him. Breathing slowly, he tried to focus his thoughts, but only seemed to emphasize his headache as his comeuppance.

Xaver heard the nurse before she'd reached the nurses' station, and was well into feigning unconsciousness by the time she'd entered his room. At her stillness, he knew she wasn't buying it – but what was he going to do? Beg her to be silent of his alertness? Force her to be? He didn't think there was enough energy in him for either. There was only the drive to get out – and quickly. No matter how detrimental the consequences would be.

" 'Tis rude to stare," he murmured hoarsely, disturbed by the brutal erosion to his usually very fluid, velvet low tones.
Eyes flickering open, he peered at her warily, much as a wild animal would stare at its captor through iron bars.
"Even at the most unsightly of things."
Through the numbness, he had little perception of how terrible he was off – he had only the sense that he was still remotely whole.

The nurse blinked at him, stunned. He hadn't needed a breathing tube after the first few days he'd been in-room, and had been reduced to intravenous slowly as his condition had bettered – but even the miraculous patients, and the lucky ones, didn't recover as quickly as the man before her. He should have been dead days ago, not laying there, looking at her with eyes that couldn't understand how strange he was. His oxygen levels weren't quite at a hundred, but his heart-rate – it was hovering above the average of a child's. And he was a grown man.
How strange.
"Sir? Do you know where you are?"
She set the clipboard back onto it's hook at the foot of his bed, assessing the distrusting, unblinking stare that was fixed on her. He simply shook his head.
"Do you know how you got here, or what happened to you?"
Another shake of his head, and she sighed softly. So much to the end of her mystery.
"I'll fetch the doctor, she can-"
The nurse blinked, and looked back up at him. His gaze, dark and stormy, hardened.

It was far too easy for the Fallen lord to bend the woman's will to his own, and force her close the door, and sit idly in the chair beside it. The familiar ache started behind his eyes, but Xaver pushed it aside, looking down at himself. He flexed slowly. Shoulders, arms, hands, stomach, back, ass, thighs, calves, feet. Everything ached – and it seemed that everything had been broken from his left elbow down, and the whole of it to his mid-bicep was casted. There was little feeling in the left side of his jaw, and it seemed his lower left leg and the left side of his ribcage had been chewed up and spit out.
Had he hit something? Been hit by something?  

First things first – disengaging himself from the tubes and monitors. He'd never seen them work around his kind – but it wasn't time to ask questions, and less, to worry about how bad off he'd had to have been for them to have gotten them all working on him. The pulse-ox reader clasp over his finger got tossed first, followed by the blood pressure arm-band. His oxygen came next, the thin tube being discarded behind him and the itching in his nose instantly subsiding. He tore the IV out of his arm with his teeth, caring little that he did a dirty job of it and was now getting blood and saline and whatever the hell else was being pumped into him everywhere. He shoved off his sheet with the awkwardness of using only one arm and broken ribs, then tossed his legs over the side of the bed and rose.

His jaw hit the tile floor with a resilient smack, and deep within the confines of his chest, Xaver growled, frustrated, angry, and for the first time, frightened. The nurse sat beside the door, immobile under his will though he had collapsed right in front of her, and more than ever, Xaver's head and heart ached.

Far away, across an ocean and a sea of people, in Ginny's jean pocket Xaver's necklace turned a dark, heavy, vibrant shade of red – and warmed. Usually cold regardless of circumstance, it burned – aching to be noticed.
"Odi et amo."

click here

Ginny Weasly

By this time Ginny was well into her day's routine. Laundry, dishes, general cleaning of the house as her youngest child slept. She was making Cody's bed when the orb she had placed in her pocket about an hour ago grew warm, almost hot. She paused halfway through tucking the covers in at the edge of the child-sized bed. Surprise flickered across her features, although no one was there to see it.
She knew how to activate the orb. All she had to do was smash it off the ground and it would work as it was designed to. Except she didn't know how it was designed, what it would do. Years ago, the water orbs she used were designed to pull her from wherever she was to reappear in front of the user. She had no clue what Xav's would do.

Perhaps, five or six years ago, she might have instantly broke the orb allowing whatever would happen to happen. In fact, she knew she would have. But she had Meliody and Cody to worry about. A split second after the orb warmed up she raced from Cody's bedroom to Meliody's. A moment later she held her infant daughter in her warm arms, with a diaper bag on her shoulder.
"Hold on sweetie..." She murmured to the now wide awake baby before the two of them transported instantly to her parent's home.

"Mom, please don't ask why. I need you to watch Meliody...and if I don't come back, please pick Cody up from school."
Ginny hurriedly handed her child to her shocked and surprised mother. Molly opened her mouth, but Ginny was already gone, back at her home, in her own kitchen.

Slowly she pulled the still warm orb from her pocket. Fifteen minutes had passed since its heat had first caught her attention. She stared at it, her thumb rubbing the glass like surface thoughtfully.
"I'm so scared..." Ginny voice sounded strange to even her own ears. Soft and shaky, and scared.
My motivation
An oath I've sworn to defend

My dedication
To all that I've sworn to protect
I carry out my orders
With not a regret


The taste of blood was thick and metallic in his mouth, stemming from the fresh gash on his lip his teeth had bit through when he'd hit the floor. Xaver gagged, the man in him as disgusted as the devil in him was delighted. He propped himself up on his good elbow and half spat, half threw-up, disgruntled by the souring taste and even more alarmed at the sight and smell of older, darker blood. Blood that wasn't from his lip - but from somewhere much more precious - inside. He'd been bleeding inside, and recently - and that was going to make his getting away all the more risky, and hard.
He shouldn't be alive - but he was breathing.
He shouldn't have been awake - but there he was, on the floor.

Xaver rolled onto his back, away from the pooling blood, the tile cool against his bare backside that the blue and plaid dress-thingy someone had stuck him in didn't seem to cover. He closed his eyes, sucking in a breath for the hope that he could regain the strength enough to stand, when the door opened, and someone cursed. A male, by the tones, and scent of aftershave and persperation.
"Polly? What in the hell are you doing?" he roared.
Xaver dragged his eyes open, staring bleakly at the man in blue garb and a white coat, and finding odd amusement at the man's growing upset.
"And what the hell happened to you?!"

Ignoring the stony nurse, the doctor walked toward him, and reflexively, Xaver retreated, though by a miniscule amount compared to the other's long strides. Muscles tense, his jaw clenched when the man kneeled over him. "Looking a bit peaky. Tried to get out of bed, huh?"
Xaver bit down the revulsion at the man's tones. "Apparently."
"You're far too broke to be trying that just yet."
"Not enough." His brow pinching slightly, as another wave of nausea rolled over him, Xaver sighed heavily. "Help me to stand, sir."
"I don't think-"
"It is not my concern whether you do or do not - just help me up," he muttered, cutting the other short.

The doctor grumbled, and shook his head, but gripped the younger looking man beneath the arms as he began to rise, and helped him to his feet. Xaver slowly accustomed himself to his weight, but as soon as he'd shoved the doctor away, he began to stumble. Instinctively, his wings took form and wrapped around his weakened body, absorbing most of the impact - but not being able to save him from the rough twist in his middle as he bounced off the bed and to the floor that brought an inhuman, bird-like scream to his lips and clouds to his eyes, pain eminating from his belly that nearly sent him back to darkness.
His stumble revoked his control over the nurse, and at the sight of Xaver's wings, both she and the doctor panicked, hollering and stumbling out the door. He heard them calling the authorities before he'd slightly unraveled his wings and had torn his stupid gown off.

Using the strength of his good arm and leg, and one beat of wings that were far too big to be stretched in the little room, Xaver pressed himself into the darkest corner of the room, curling into the shadows. His naked form completely enveloped by his wings, he tucked his head against his shoulder, fighting for breath that wouldn't seem to fill his chest, the pain in his abdomen persisting too adamantly to think clearly.
"Odi et amo."

click here


((I'm not sure if I'm aloud to join if not ignore my post.. Oh and I made up this character on the spots so you know))

Ricky wondered what the sudden siren had stated which had rung through his cold wet ears. Ricky had decided to go into the muggle community to learn more about them and took up a job in a thing they called a Hospital. Ricky hated the coldness in which the hospital had and wondered if the muggles had an invention that made it that way or it was just because worried souls made him get the cold chills in which he was experiencing. Ricky asked his fellow nurse what the alarming noise meant and they had told him that they had never experienced it in real but in test they had used it and that it meant a patient had abnormal qualities. Ricky gasped What if it was a wizard or some kind of there community like an elf he thought to himself worried. "What room?" Ricky asked almost automatically in his desperation to found out the hospitals worry. The female coworker replied "In room eighteen but don't worry we only need to come if they stop it and ring it again" she yelled for her voice was weak and hard to hear over the siren "I'm going to check it out anyway see you later Jenny" Ricky said in his strong upbeat voice.

Ricky ran along the corridor looking for number eightteen. He had found fifteen and had not taken him much longer afterwards. Ricky entered expecting the worst. He had not noticed anything until he search the whole premises of the room and once he saw what the siren went of for he started felling dizzy but he focused. He knew someone with this affliction also. Who else do I know who can grow wings he thought to himself and strangely a joke found him which was 'You'd be considered crazy if you where a muggle thinking that same thought'. "STOP LEAVE HIM ALONE YOU SCARING HIM" Ricky bellowed. Polly asked "Aren't you at all scared by this?" over the siren which was now silencing. Ricky replied with "Maybe I am but  maybehe's on our side just leave him be I'll deal with it because maybe for once in our human history violence won't resolve it OR HAS THAT ALWAYS BEEN THE CASE" Ricky shouted the last half of his sentence in shear panic and anger.

All the authorities who had come and the employee's of the hospital all left except for Ricky who pulled out a bottle of dittany and said "It's alright they've gone now" not sure if it was a man or boy behind the wing. He decided the check. He walked hesitantly towards Xaver not knowing it was him behind the wing. Ricky stood next to Xaver and looked. Ricky gasped "Xaver Xian is that you?" Ricky asked but still continued "Remember me it's Ricky why are you up I heard you where very ill are you breaking out because they have silled *SP* the window and authorities are just out the door so we need a plan and I have dittany and a wand so I can try to magic your strength's but the extent of your injuries would take magic even I can not even muster" Starting to get excited about sneaking around again which he loved. He always snick *SP* around after dark at Hogwarts. It was like being a kid again, you glad I saved your butt?" Ricky asked but Xavier had not yet responded or moved "Xaver are you okay?" he asked.

Ginny Weasly

((I'm so confused as to that post so I call we ignore it. Sorry Bucky.))

Ginny closed her eyes, sudden fear and upset rolling her belly. How strange, this was quiet unlike her own fear. She knew it wasn't her own however. Something of Xaver's connection to her made her realize he felt very strongly at the moment. So strongly that she felt it from wherever he was. Instinctively, she let the orb fall from her fingers, closing her eyes and wincing as it smashed off the ground.

The sound of shattered glass reached her ears, but that was all she heard as the sound of wind overtook it. She squeezed her eyes shut as she felt the magic work itself, doing whatever it had been made to do over seven years ago.

((Sorry it's so short Xav. Didn't know what the orb did.))
My motivation
An oath I've sworn to defend

My dedication
To all that I've sworn to protect
I carry out my orders
With not a regret

Bucky Black


(no probs, love. we'll jus roll with da floww ^_^ heehee. as always.)

Xaver had made two orbs, years ago - one for himself, and one for his deceased sister, Kylie. Orbs that were not of the world he presently was bleeding in, but from his own realm. For absolute accuracy, and unalterable power that would transport the user, Xaver had put a little of himself in the orb. A little of this, a little of that, a droplet of blood, and a feather of Black. Black wings belonged only to the house of Xian anymore, previous ancestors that held the trait wiped out, and no withstanding Fallen resembling the color.
In the magical world, a hair, a tear - or in this case, a droplet of blood and a feather - could give another person a distinct advantage to finding or cursing the other, with the right spell or workings.

When the orb dropped, spiraling to the ground, the haze of bright red beamed - and when the orb shattered, there was naught but a lone black feather in a pool of blood, too dark and unsettling to be human. An old spell, one entrapped by the orb years ago, sprung to life, blurrs of what resembled wings enveloping Ginny's form, rushing faster, and faster, until the world around her was no more. She was in the eye of a personal tornado that sounded oddly like beating wings - and then suddenly the whirs and sound fell away, revealing a musky, unkempt hospital room, door slightly ajar and emergency sirens pouring in. Feet no longer stirred out the door - and so the bells rang on in the eerily quiet, dense halls beyond.

Xaver no longer heard them.
Wings wrapped around himself like both a shield and a blanket, the outside of his personal circle had faded, and his only company was the sound of his own rampant, uneven breathing.
"Odi et amo."

click here

Ginny Weasly

Ginny opened her eyes, unclenching her fists. She took a moment to calm herself, or try to anyway. That was hard with the loud sirens that seemed to echo in the old room. She glanced around, feeling as though she were slightly off course. She knew Xaver was somewhere nearby, he had to be, but not in this room.

Slowly she went to the door, opening it the whole way and stepping out. She looked down both sides of the hallway, but saw nothing but more and more doors. A hospital, maybe? The white color scheme was almost a dead give-away. But where in the world was this hospital at?
London? She doubted it.

So where?

It didn't matter. She began to walk, pushing open doors as she went. The rooms were all empty, and as Ginny went further up the hall it seemed only recently. That would probably be the siren, she assumed. Was it a fire alarm? And earthquake? Again, not something she was really worried about.

(Um...should she find him yet?)
My motivation
An oath I've sworn to defend

My dedication
To all that I've sworn to protect
I carry out my orders
With not a regret

Ginny Weasly

My motivation
An oath I've sworn to defend

My dedication
To all that I've sworn to protect
I carry out my orders
With not a regret


They DO get a second chance. They get many chances. Ladder cheating bans last 30 days, while maphacking, spoofing and custom kick last 60.

Read the stickys BEFORE you post.


(Wtf?   AAaaaaaaaaaaaaaand, posted Ginny! I'm so sorry it took so long. =/ )

It was a bloody hand that gripped the plastic railing of the hospital bed, fingers clenching and the length of his arm straining as Xaver dragged his mangled form, wings beating heavily behind him and propelling him upward. Every single part of his body ached, no patch of flesh exempt from agony as he willed himself to stay conscious. Down his belly were railroad tracks of staples and sutures, crusted with blood and some straining with new, his entire left side appearing as if had been crushed, or severely beaten. His sternum and a majority of his ribs on that side were fractured or cleanly broken, and there was no clear way to tell which dark and hideous wounds embellished upon his belly were caused by a weapon or by surgical instruments that had torn him to repair him. Indeed, there was something very wrong within his abdomen. His stomach, spleen, and some intestines were just beneath the flesh that was so mangled - it was easy telling that they had undergone severe trauma, though Xaver had no idea how extensive. He gripped the railing harder, dragging the remaining fragments of his will to keep himself standing, fighting the quiver in his achy knees and the nausea that kept trying to roll over him.
He had to get out of this place - find someone, anyone, who could actually help him. He'd frightened the Humans by mistake, and now he was alone, and more desperate than ever.

It was in that moment that Xaver heard footsteps - light, delicate steps that could only be human. A lone human. Opening doors in a cautious and searching process, and coming his way. Instinct had his jaw clenching defensively, though the rest of him knew he had little ability to protect himself in his state, and barely the energy to stand.

Tall though his body was clenched and coiled over in pain, his raven hair and feathered wings a striking contrast to the pallor of his skin and the ghostly room, Xaver's striking blue eyes met the door without fear, though rimmed with tears of agony and exhaustion. In all his completely naked and inhuman glory, he prepared himself for the worst..
"Odi et amo."

click here

Ginny Weasly

The door opened as all the others had, silently, as they had been maintained to do. At first glance, she saw nothing except shadows. Those shadows transformed though, into a form she knew so well she could navigate it with her eyes closed. Raven hair, ice blue eyes, tall and fit, though bent over as if in pain.
"Xaver?" She stepped cautiously into the room. If he was in pain --and he looked like he was-- there was a chance he would react as he had before, without thinking. It was at those times his body reverted into a survival mode, and he simply was not in control of himself. She'd seen it before. but he didn't have that wild look, that scared, caught animal look. No, his eyes looked intelligent and shining. She could feel his thoughts there, though she couldn't hear them.

"What happened to you, baby?" She asked, her voice soft and soothing, even as she caught sight of his mangled abdomin. her eyes drifted down, noting he wore nothing. That didn't faze her, except that she began to worry that he might be in shock. The alarms going off began to annoy her, she couldn't hear herself think suddenly. She closed the door behind her and waved a hand.
The room grew quiet, although outside the door the alarm continued to ring just as loud as ever. Inside it was silent, except for the sound of their breathing.
My motivation
An oath I've sworn to defend

My dedication
To all that I've sworn to protect
I carry out my orders
With not a regret



It was a female form that stood in the doorway, and tones that were familiar and missed. He gripped the rail harder, though not out of fright or defense, but out of relief so strong he shook like a waif in the wake of it. Ginny - she was here, she'd come for him. She'd found him. Here, wherever here was. Xaver swallowed hard down a threaded and scratchy throat, his heart pounding an anxious bruise into the underside of his chest.
"Ginny.." He murmured, his tones very low and heavily lilted.

"What happened to you, baby?"

Xaver's head tilted town slowly, and he looked over himself with a somber, confused gaze.
If only he knew, himself. From the feel of his head, someone had tried to bash in his skull - it was no wonder he could recollect little. Other than - holy mother of..
"Xences is dead."
How he knew that but couldn't place wherever it was they were, was anyone's guess.

His knees shook with a renewed vigor, and Xaver gripped the rail now with both hands, the plastic bending and slowly cracking beneath his vice grip. He clenched his teeth against another wave of nausea, his wings outstretched behind him and twitching slightly, tense, much as an animal's ears would prick in the face of danger. Pupils contracting and his brow furrowing, Xaver's expression grew even more severe.
"Baby, they're coming."
Whoever 'they' were. They were coming in a pack, steps uniform and trained, and heading quickly down the hallway toward them.
Had he really frightened them so badly?
He must have, if they'd sent in the troops to rid of his scary paranormal ass.
"Odi et amo."

click here