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Topics - ~Harry Potter~

Around The Grounds / New York City
February 12, 2010, 03:38:04 PM
Rhyme sat on the top of a tower at Hogwarts, his legs hanging over the edge.  He wasn't worried about the drop, if he really tried he had lots of ways to stop himself from getting hurt if he fell.  As his legs swung back and forth on the wall he tilted his head back and looked at the blue sky with the white puffy clouds.   It was a beautiful day and for once he felt at peace.  His throat was almost better after what happened last week and he had a near infinite supply of lemon water on his person to keep it that way. 

Rhyme was waiting for Stacey and whoever she decided to bring with them to come so they could go.  He felt after the events of last week they both needed a break so he would treat Stacey to a day on the town, well, it would be insulting to call it a town, more like one of the largest cities in America, New York City.  Theater was a tight knit group, once a thespian, always a thespian.  Rhyme's mother was big into musical theater since many of the 'lost' bards as she described them floated toward musical theater or music in general.  She said how ninety percent of singers, songwriters, and thespians in the world were the decedents of old bards who either forgotten the art, got watered down to much over the years, or just didn't have for some reason or another.  Many though still knew the ways and were always willing to give a few tickets to a bard or other thespian. 

As he waited though, he shifted through the infinite number of songs on his mental and physical ipod.  For a short jump he could brute force his way through space and warp space so he could make the jump, for longer ones though, he would need something to guild his way.  He was thinking of maybe "Purpose" from Avenue Q but turned it down since though there was what was called the Alphabet City, which was a part of New York, the streets skipped over Q, going from Avenue P to Avenue R.  The Alphabet City though led him to another musical that occurred in that district, RENT supposedly took place in that district of New York.  He ran through the song in his head nodding that it could guild them to one of the worse areas of New York but still New York. 

He had the issue of how to get them there taken care of, but he still didn't know how he would land them there without getting caught.  Having three or more people randomly appear in the middle of a street or in a living room would not be good.  He could try and land them outside the city but that would cut down on their time in the city.  He could try and land them up in the air but he wasn't sure if he could hold three people in the air while also doing such a hard warp of space itself.  He shrugged as he leaned back going horizontal on the room as he let out a sigh.  He would see who Stacey brought with them to see if they could help. 

"Where is she?" he asked nobody as he let out a breath he didn't even know he was holding. 
Role Play Character Bios / Haru Tomoko
February 12, 2010, 12:23:16 PM
((History is a bit rough yet but he is going to be used soon so I want him up here))

Name: Haru Tomoko
Drag Name: Prada Handbag
Age: 17
Date of Birth: December 21
Ancestry: Japanese
Homeland: New York City
Race: Human
Class: Illusionist/Telepath
Insanity Rhapsody *Requires Rhyme
An intense sensual barrage of sights and sounds that overload a person's brain and leaves them a babbling idiot of overcharged nerves for at least a few hours.  If done long enough it could even lead to permanent mental retardation.


Father:Ryuichi Tomoko
Mother:Machi Tomoko
Only Child
Other Relationships: Rhyme's Boyfriend


{Weapon Information}
Ceremonial Fan of Changing
It has no real characteristics that are permanent since it will change forms with Haru's clothing.  If he is going Goth for the day it will be black with an anarchy symbol but if he is going frilly it could be pink with white lace.  It is just a general folding fan.
No real powers but it can give a mean smack when folded up.  Haru uses it as a prop while changing clothing but the fan doesn't cause the change. 

{Armor Information}
Tan Leotard
A form fitting leotard tan in color that is never truly seen since it is always hidden by layers of illusion.
No powers just a simple base for Haru to layer his illusions that won't interact with his magic. 

{Accessory Information}


{Physical Description}
Haru is hard to describe accurately since he is always changing.  With the ability to create illusions what he appears from day to day can change drastically.  Without any alterations he has pale silvery skin.  He also has jet black hair and brown eyes.  His hair is in a messy cut that goes down to his eyebrows and over his ears.  He is five feet eight inches tall and of slim stature. 

For some odd reason if you ever saw him without illusions you would be shocked since he would only be wearing a tan leotard and white slip on sneakers.  This is because he finds it much easier just to make cloths over that.  He has gotten so good with cloths that he can actually make them feel real to the touch. 

Haru and Prada have two very different personalities though this is not because of any mental disorder.  When in drag Haru, or now Prada has more confident to be anyway he wants.  While dressed like a boy he could be described as pretty normal.  Nothing really wrong with him, a tad bit on the shy side he is a good friend and will stick up for those he cares about. 

In drag though, wow, watch out.  He will be the most flaming person you could imagine.  He loses all semblance of shyness and is very outgoing.  He will even pinch the rear of a passing guy while in drag.  Even with this different personality though, Prada still cares about those who he is close to.

   Haru is a second generation Japanese-American whose parents arrived in the 1960's to find better work during the times.  Even though the family was split apart, Haru's grandparents chose to stay in Japan to live out their lives. 
   Haru got his power the same way his father did through their ancestry.  All of Haru's family used to be in the classic Japanese theater and through this ancestry could do amazing thing with light and bend it to their will to create extremely realistic illusions. 
   Even though they lived in New York City Haru's family was very conservative having grown up in rural Japan previously.  Haru had to hide his gayness and especially his cross dressing.  He would go drag around town and see the shows of Broadway and all the sights of the city.  His parents never knew for the longest time. 
   Haru met Rhyme oddly enough in Tokyo Japan.  Rhyme was in his traveling phase, trying to find a place to call home again after being thrown out and Haru's family was there to attend the funeral of a great-aunt who Haru barely knew.  While his parents went to help with the preparations Haru went to Tokyo to see and participate in the Harajuku district.  Haru dressed as in full Goth Lolita strolled down the streets of Tokyo until he found a kid with funky purple hair that stuck out worse than a Coplay wig.  They hit it off in the town and eventually over the week of the ceremony became very close even agreeing to be a couple.
   During this time though, the other boy, who happened to by Rhyme, never met Haru's parents.  On the last day that Haru would be there though he invited Rhyme to the ceremony.  Wishing to spend the last day with Haru, Rhyme agreed not knowing what Haru's parents would be like.  Rhyme found out though that Haru's father was almost identical to his own in personality and because of it, Artemis emerged.  When Rhyme came out of the blackout, he found the temple of the ceremony destroyed and everyone gone.  Having to flee or else be put in prison, he left the country to travel elsewhere. 
   During Artemis' rampage though, he let it slip that Haru was gay and a cross dresser which was news to his parents and grandparents.  Outraged his father disowned him and if it wasn't for Haru already having his plane ticket on him, he most likely would still have been in Japan to this day. 
   Once getting back to New York he found the locks have been changed.  It seems like his father was fast and called a locksmith to do the work before they even left for America.  With some help from a Broadway theater crew he knew and helped out from time to time with costumes, he got into his house and got what few things his father didn't burn and destroy.   After leaving his home he got a small loft in the Alphabet City of New York.  With that he started to work for a lot of the thespian crews working costumes.  Nobody could do what Haru could with a needle and thread, and a little magic here and there. 
General / Happy Yule
December 22, 2009, 04:09:28 AM
Blessed Be to any other Pagans out there and a Happy Yule to everyone else. 

Today is the Winter Solstice, the shortest day of the year and a holiday to hundreds of thousands of pagans around the world. 

Enjoy the day, exchange some gifts if you want or wait till the 25th and don't forget about the Yule Log!
General / Thread Necromancy
December 19, 2009, 01:20:36 AM
I thought we covered this before but since it is coming up again I will remind people.  If something hasn't been posted in for over 6 months it is normally clear to say that it is dead and to let it stay dead.  It is very rude and annoying to bring back posts that are really old just to get a free post in it.  Also please don't encourage people who do this by posting back to their replies.  It seems like we got a Botter or two on the site currently that is doing so, please ignore them if you can until we can get Admin to take care of them. 

And if you haven't guessed this process is called thread necromancy since it is bringing back to life the dead threads and like most undead, they are worthless and not fun so please don't do it. 
Role Play Character Bios / Artemis "Rhyme" Entreri
November 14, 2009, 02:25:06 PM
((I updated his physical description, personality, and history to make room for the creation of Artemis.  Reposted this since it is too long for a single post and had others people's post in my original which would have meant I had 3-5 posts in the middle of his bio.))

Name:Artimis Entreri
Date of Birth:October 12
Cosmic Screech
Rhyme's ability to manipulate his vocal cords is brought to its greatest potential in this move.  Rhyme is able to hit a note so high it rivals the power of a banshee's scream.  Though the move cannot cause a person instant deaf from fright like a banshee can it can cause heavy damage and most likely rupture a person's eardrums through sonic damage.


Mother:Elandil Entreri
Father: Prometheus Gale
Sister:Alina Gale--12
Brother:Lucas Entreri 8
Sister:Samantha Gale--12
Other Relatives
Other random people such as Uncles, Aunts, Cousins, but nobody of great importance.  
Other Relationships:
None at the moment but open to any offers for a boyfriend


{Weapon Information}
Baton of the Orchestra
A long rod of redwood about one foot in length.  The rod is polished to a high shine, so bright you can see yourself in it if you look close enough.  Burnt into the rod there is s small inscription "Listen close enough and your hear music anywhere."
This Baton gives Rhyme more control over his powers, especially his ribbon style attacks.  Which, instead of coming from his fingers and hands it comes from the end of the baton and acts like a ribbon rod such as you would find in rhythmic gymnastics.
Enchanted Kunai
Ten metal kunai knives with sharp edges and rings to hold on to with.
These kunai will transform themselves into a shield if the user is holding them all together when hit with a direct attack.

{Armour Information}
Ceremonial Robes
Blue and White robes with green trim that Rhyme almost never wears.  They are made out of a thick felt like fabric that is warm and heavy for a robe.  All over the robes there are lines of music and notes stitched into the fabric.  The robes go down to 3 inches above his feet so he doesn't trip.
This robe has many pockets which he can keep a large amount of stuff within, even though the pockets are very small.  Also, the robes give him the ability to "see" musical notes which makes his powers work much easier.  

{Accessory Information}
MP3 Player
It is a small electronic music storing device.  It is small, able to fit within your hand easily and is an off white in color.  The screen will light up in a pale blue light with black letters when a button is pushed.  Coming from the MP3 player is a set of ear buds the same color as the player.
Rhyme's MP3 player is enchanted to never run out of power, to have an infinite amount of space for music, and will automatically update itself whenever it or Rhyme learns a new song.  It is also connected with Rhyme's mind so it can work with just a thought.
Microphones of Many Miles
A small ear piece that can go within the ear with a thin but strong metal wire that goes down to microphone near the mouth.
The user will give one of the two microphones to his or her favorite person and they will be able to communicate clearly from any distance.


{Physical Description}
Rhyme is of medium height and is slim.  He has bright purple hair that sticks out everywhere on his head and deep purple eyes.  His skin is pale in nature but is normally always tanned.  Rhyme normally wears tee-shirts with a band on them with a leather jacket over it.  He also wears faded ripped jeans that show off his knees and ankles.  Lastly he wears the classic style of band shoes, pure black and simple though easy to walk in.  He normally doesn't wear much jewelry though he does have a stud in his ear.  

Artemis is a much darker version of Rhyme.  Though they are the same person, when Artemis takes control Rhyme's appearance can drastically shift.  His hair and eyes shift to a darker shade of purple and his hair style seems to get more orderly.  Instead of sticking out all over it is more flat and goes long over one eye hiding it from easy view.  His shirt will normally shift to a heavy metal or screamo band which Rhyme would generally hate and his coat would gain a lot of metal chains.  Speaking of metal, when Artemis is in control he gains much more facial jewelry.  He gains three more studs in each ear, two studs in his left eyebrow and a ring in his lip.  

Through all the trauma of his past Rhyme is terribly unstable though at a first glance even psychically it is not apparent.  Within his mind there are not one but two minds in conflict with each other for control.  There is the rational mind of Rhyme and the...not so rational mind of Artemis.  Artemis was there at first to be his protector, to take on what Rhyme could not handle but he soon twisted into all the negative emotions of Rhyme without any of the positive to buffer it out.

Rhyme can be very sweet but easily depressed when certain parts of his past are mentioned.  Though there are many skeletons in his closet he does not let these get to him on a daily basis unless dragged out by conversation. Rhyme could be described as a normal mind.  He laughs like a normal teen does and really loves modern music.  Though because of all the drilling he had to go through be a mage he is very analytical and far from stupid.  

Artemis in contrast is very dark.  He easily gets amusement from the destruction of property and the fear of others believing life needs to be shook up every now and then.  He, in contrast, is straight and loves to flirt around to make Rhyme cringe.  He is everything Rhyme is not, he is loud and outspoken and not one to hold back a crude insult.  Through all of this though, the base of his creation, as a protector, is still there.  He teases Rhyme all the time though he still has the mindset that he is the only one that should do so.  He will protect Rhyme to the very end and not just because they are sharing a body though they have two very different ideas on how that protection should be done.  
The Forest / Warping Reality (Open)
September 28, 2009, 12:35:59 PM

(( Artemis in purple, Rhyme in yellow just for ease of reading since I will be having an internal dialogue))

Rhyme sat on a stump in the middle of the forest.  It was currently a very strange part of the forest since if somebody had the power they would have found that all the animals that were in a mile radius of the stump were suddenly gone.  They left of their own free will sensing it best to not be there. 

His eyes were closed and he appeared to be deep in thought.  If someone would have been watching they would see his facial expressions randomly changing as if he was arguing was someone though it was clear nobody was there.

No, just not ,we are not using that song.
Why not, it is a perfectly good song.
It's a girl singing it, and it's all about love
Well, it's the closest thing I found so far and I think it is a quite lovely song, and I am fine with singing a female voice.
Of course you're would, your gay!
Doesn't that technically make you gay?
Of course not, your one friend Cindy?  I would love to..STOP! Right there.  I don't need to hear that

Artemis chuckled at this which sounded really creepy in his mind since it echoed

How does my mind echo?
Don't ask me, it's your head.  Wait, were are off topic, anyway, I am not singing that song.
Come on, it gets you out for a short time period and I'll work on finding a better song later[/i]

With a grumble Artemis relented.


There comes a time,
When you face the toughest of fights,
Searching for a sign,
Lost in the darkest of nights,
The wind blows so cold,
You're standing alone,
Before the battle's begun,
But deep in your soul,
The future unfolds,
As bright as the rays of the sun.

Rhyme began to shimmer as if being looked out through a large amount of heat.  And as he sat there deep in a trance he began to rise into the air.  As he rose it seemed to be like there were two Rhymes there but one was slightly different, had a more aggressive tone and his hair and eyes were darker.  This other form was Artemis though under strict control by the song.  The song would let him out for a short duration only during the songs and let their powers merge.  From their heart a large orb of light began to emerge and grow. 

You've got to believe,
In the Power of Love,
You've got to believe,
In the Power of Love,
The Power of Love.

Blazing Emotion,
There's a light that glows from your heart,
It's a chain reaction,
And nothing will keep us apart,
Stand by my side,
There's nothing to hide,
Together we'll fight till the end,
Take hold of my hand,
And you'll understand,
What it truly means to be friends.

The other Artemis pulled out more and turned staring at Rhyme with an angry glare for making him part of this stupid song.  The light near their hearts began to expand and grow encompassing more and more.  This effect continued for the rest of the song.  When it grew Rhyme closed his eyes and focused his mind on the change that he wanted.  His heart supplied the energy which wasn't a whole lot since the song wasn't that fitting but it would work, but his mind had to fix the effect. 

He decided on something simple, within his mind he held the image of the trees around him but as crystal, reflecting the bright light into rainbows that would turn back into light as it hit another tree creating a large mosaic effect that was blinding but amazing.  The effect continued to grow until the end of the song reaching about ¾ of a mile in diameter before finally at the end with a curse Artemis faded back into Rhyme's mind behind the monolith of Elandil and the crystal suddenly shattered and faded away leaving the trees intact though a few leaves remained crystal though alive. 
General / Character Development Game
September 24, 2009, 06:10:01 AM
Do you remember those stupid questions they ask you if you ever did character development for a play or musical?  That or on a personality test where the why mattered more then the answer?  I think it would help all of us and be a bit of fun if we did that with our characters. 

If your character was a food, what food would he or she be and why?

Rhyme would be multi-flavored jawbreaker that switches colors and flavors the longer you suck on it.  This is because Rhyme can show a wide range of moods and types from all the different characters he portrays in songs.  Very few know what Rhyme is really like just as very few would know the true flavor of the jawbreaker.

Artemis would be a five alarm chili with the name of a one alarm.  He looks sweet tempered but can be a force to be reckoned with.  All the anger and hatred of the world stored within a child who saw way too much for his time without much of the good of life to temper it.  You take a bit expecting something mild and flavorful to then run off screaming in pain from the heat.
General / Young Wizards Series
June 13, 2009, 08:48:40 AM
Anyone read this series?  Just wondering since I might need some help with people who have.  Started with So You Want to be a Wizard, then goes in order Deep Wizardry, High WizardryA Wizard Abroad, A Wizard's Dilemma, A Wizard Alone, A Wizard's Holiday, Wizards at War
Gryffindor / Aftermath (Open)
June 5, 2009, 02:45:49 AM
((Based after the actions of Broken Glass

Rhyme sat depressed, curled up in the side of an overstuffed couch as he stared mindlessly into the fire burning into the fireplace.  As he stared he tried with all his might to see through the block in his memories.  The blackouts were always confusing, but this last one was scary.  Where he ended up, with all the carnage around him, he didn't know who caused it but deep within he feared it was himself.

In his normally neutrally purple hair, now there seemed to be a streak of grey or two.  His eyes had bags under them from his loss of sleep.  He just seemed to lose the glow he always had around him.  Before there was always a buzzing around him from the music he was listening to.  For the first time in over two years, he did not listen to music.  

Happy people walked around the Common Room laughing and talking to their friends as they did their normal things.  Some played Wizard Chess; some were playing with a miniature broom.  In the far corner some girls were gossiping.  If Rhyme really wanted he could listen in but now even that didn't pick up his mood.  
General / Random Question
May 24, 2009, 06:45:56 AM
I just heard a song that I would love to use, but to, I need to know...Are their any female characters here who have an abusive boyfriend?  And if that said person is a character as well, would they be interested in fighting Rhyme?  Not the evil Artemis the normal sane Rhyme. 

The song is really cool since it fits an abusive relationship so well. 
Hogsmead / Broken Glass (OPEN!)
April 16, 2009, 08:05:18 AM
Rhyme walked down the streets of Hogsmeade looking into the windows at all the things for sale.  He saw some strange things being down one of the shadier streets of the little town.  Not many of the other students came down here unless they had a specific reason.  The sky was overcast, casting long shadows upon the street as he walked.  The air had a slight chill but was still warm. 

Suddenly, he stopped in his tracks.  He saw a man beating his young daughter and with his hearing he could hear her crying even over the breeze and the distance.  He also heard the man calling her very *friendly* person and other hurtful things which were clearly not true for her young age.  He wanted to look away and leave but he couldn't stop staring.  It brought back so many hurtful memories of his household, of his dad locking him in the basement for long period of time for not being able to do the magic his father could.  His fathers classics words were 'use magic to get out' 

These feelings overwhelmed him and he ended up falling against the wall of a nearby alleyway and falling to his knees as he held his head trying to drive the memories away.  He rocked back and forth in the alleyway until suddenly, he stopped. 

Rhyme got up and dusted himself off.  His face was harder now, losing most of the compassion held within there.  For someone who knew Rhyme they would also notice a few small differences, his eyes were now a dead black instead of their normal purple and his hair, normally the same neutral shade of purple as his eyes, was now a few shades dark and the style was much different, going from his left side over his left eye and also partially covering his right eye. 

Rhyme then, calmly walked over to the man and tapped him on the shoulder. 

"What do you want punk" the man snarled at him as he yanked his girl up by the hair.

Rhyme didn't reply but stared down at the man before giving him a backhand to the face.  This was not a normal slap though, it was empowered with a sonic blast that sent the many flying into an abandoned store shop.  With a lot of curses the man stood and pointed his wand at Rhyme from the shop.  Rhyme just glared at the man and shot his hands out, splayed at the man.  From his hand a shockwave emerged, visible from the dust in the air from the shop that hit the man knocking him out and to the ground, crimson blood leaking from his ears. 

"Leave." Rhyme said to the girl.  His voice was deeper then what it normally was and the girl didn't ask again quickly running off to hopefully find her mother. 

Rhyme's boots made a clicking sound as he walked down the stone sidewalk until he got to a new street.  When he did he threw another shockwave down the street, shattering the glass in at least six store fronts.  The glass tinkled as it hit the cobblestones of the sidewalk.  This wasn't Rhyme. 
Hogsmead / Corner Money
February 14, 2009, 08:13:06 AM
Saying Rhyme had no money would have been and understatement.  He came to this school with no money and he finally got fed up with it.  Grabbing his best cloths and his hat, he decided to strike his cash in the way most artists did, by plying their craft on the street corners. 

He found getting out to be amazingly easy, most of the teachers could tell his voice changing apart from their comrades so it was easy for him to hide around corners and morph his voice to make the teacher go away, he imagined that there would be some funny conversations around the staff table that night. 

Making his way outside the school and down to Hogsmead he decided to set up his shop on the corner down the street form the Three Broomsticks.  As he walked he wondered what to sing, he could do those cheesy choir songs he heard the opening day or he could do some old Celtic songs his mother taught him.  He sighed, since he didn't really want to degrade himself by conforming to their standards.

After five minutes of walking and thinking he decided that he would try a few of his songs, a few of those from other countries and languages and if those didn't get him any money he would do the classic songs.

Rhyme cringed mentally when he reached the town limits and saw all the robes.  Even after a month of living at Hogwarts he could not move himself to wear those hideous things.  They were too heavy and looked too much like a personal tent.  He did look strange though in his ripped blue jeans, Fall Out Boy T-shirt and leather jacket with tons of jingling chains and things that could not be seen but also jingled.  To finish off his attire he had a metal rimmed fedora that could be deadly in the right hands. 

When he hit the corner he pulled a piece of cardboard out of his sleeve with some difficulty with a black marker.  He wrote on the board in big letters "ONE MAN ORCHESTRA" and then gave his neck and fingers a crack, loosening up his body, he then pulled out what looked like a magic wand but was really an orchestra baton and set the music into motion and sang his first song.

((Not going to put entire lyrics on here, look up "The World" by Nightmare on Youtube))
The Forest / Practice
December 30, 2008, 07:51:26 AM
Rhyme muttered to himself as he walked across the grounds toward the forest.  His leather coat jingled though it had no notable metal on the outside that would do so.  He also had on a fedora with silver pinstripes over black fabric that had an oddly stiff brim.  He sighed softly when he reached the edge, lost slightly in his own thoughts. 

I have let myself go with practicing.  I have to keep my dexterity up, mom would kill me right now, I should know better then to let myself go so long.

He walked about 100 yards into the woods until he found a semi large clearing, just enough for him to spread his arms out and have some room to throw.  He reached into his coat sleeve and pulled out two kunai which he put one into each hand.  He let his hand bounce up and down a few times to get used to their weight.  When he did this he also set up a connection of magic between the blades and his hands. 

"I shouldn't start with all ten just yet, just in case" he said to himself as he pulled out two more. 

He put his hands close together and then whipped them out, fanning his fingers out wide.  He frowned when he saw that they tumbled a bit but with a small tug of his hands they evened out and flew true.  Then, he clenched his fists tight and yanked.  This caused the daggers to curve upward, high into the limbs of the tree.  He listened to the way the breeze whistled through the branches to keep the blades from getting caught.

He then let the strings go very slack when he reached up and pulled off his hat.  It had a special metal inlay into the rim, which, if he wished, could make it into a weapon.  He threw this hat into the air with a flick of his wrists and then, making the strings shorten, kneeling, pulling the strings very tight as the kunai soared downward into the soft ground.  The caught the hat as they did, landing totally wrong though.  The hat was held up by two of the kunai but the other two were nowhere near where he wanted them.  He wanted them to form a neat square with the hat sitting above it.  With a frown and a clench of the teeth, he flicked his wrist, sending the kunai back into his hands to try again. 
Ravenclaw / Practice (No 1-Liners!)
February 9, 2008, 09:18:35 AM
((OOC: This should go in the Great Hall but since we don't got a Great Hall boared <.< I am sticking it here since Ravenclaw has the least number of threads.))

The Great Hall looked nothing like it normally did.  The four long class tables were gone, leaving only a large wooden stage against the full length windows on the far wall away from the door.  The stage was simple, three feet off the ground made of a lightly varnished white oak.  A single person could be heard walking back and forth on the stage muttering to him self. 

"Doreimephasolatido." he said quickly to himself in one pitch and "Do rei me pha so la ti do" in a totally different pitch.  He then said it once more in a another different pitch into a small mic around his ear and near his mouth. 

Rhyme was stretching out his vocal chords, getting them ready.  He could shift to any tone he could imagine, but some still hurt his throat if he didn't stretch it.  The song he was about to sing wasn't that bad, but he didn't want to take any chances.  This was just a practice for him, so he didn't want to pull anything. 

He wore a pair a faded ripped blue jeans.  The tear was in the left knee and there was slight fraying in the bottom above his elemental shoes.  His shirt was pure black which accented his brown leather coat.  He gave his hair a flip, sending his purple locks out of his eyes, which were also a purple but many shades darker. 

Then, with a sharp turn toward the audience, he began his practice. 

I'm gonna make you bend and break
(It sends you to me without wait)
Say a prayer but let the good times roll
In case God doesn't show
(Let the good times roll, let the good times roll)
And I want these words to make things right
But it's the wrongs that make the words come to life
"Who does he think he is?"
If that's the worst you got
Better put your fingers back to the keys

Right as he began he threw his arms outward in a wide arc, creating two exact copies of himself behind him, one on each side.  They would sing his backup.  One put his hand half over the mic to get the faded echo effect. 

Rhyme then took a large step forward and began to so sing, a spot light out of nowhere came down on him, illuminating him as the music picked up behind. 
Around The Grounds / I Write Sins Not Tragedies
January 20, 2008, 07:50:50 AM
A currently unknown student walked the rolling hills of the Hogwarts grounds.  He walked with an odd gate to his step, like he was half dancing half walking.  He lips moved almost silently, singing under his breath.  The wind blew lightly from the lake, throwing up with it the smells of the water.  The wind disturbed the students purple locks slightly, and he pushed them out of his eyes. 

He shifted his shoulders slightly as he readjusted his black leather coat and shifted his knees as he pulled his sliding pants up a bit.  His pants were worn completely in the knees, though he refused to repair or get a new pair.  He also had a black t-shirt with "Fall Out Boys" on it. 

"Say a prayer but let good times roll.  In case God doesn't show.  Let the good times roll" he sang under his breath
Role Play Character Bios / Artimis Entreri (Rhyme)
January 14, 2008, 07:23:00 AM
Name:Artimis Entreri
Date of Birth:October 12
Cosmic Screech
Rhyme changes his vocal chords to such a level that a scream can reach the level of a banshee.  Anyone hit by the blast would most likely become death for a short time unless wearing hearing protection as well as being blasted backward by the sound waves.


Mother:Elandil Entreri (Bard)
Father: Prometheus Gale (Mage)
Sister:Alina Gale--12 (Twin of Sam)
Brother:Lucas Entreri 8
Sister:Samantha Gale--12 (Twin of Alina)
Other Relatives
Other random people such as Uncles, Aunts, Cousins, but nobody of great importance.  
Other Relationships:
None at the moment but open to any offers for a boyfriend


{Weapon Information}
Baton of the Orchestra
A long rod of red cherry about one foot in length.  The rod is polished to a high shine, so bright you can see yourself in it if you look close enough.  Burnt into the rod there is s small inscription "Listen close enough and your hear music anywhere."
This Baton gives Rhyme more control over his powers, especially his ribbon style attacks.  Which, instead of coming from his fingers and hands it comes from the end of the baton and acts like a ribbon rod such as you would find in rhythmic gymnastics.
Enchanted Kunai
Ten metal kunai knives with sharp edges and rings to hold on to with.
These kunai will transform themselves into a shield if the user is holding them all together when hit with a direct attack.

{Armour Information}
Ceremonial Robes
Blue and White robes with green trim that Rhyme almost never wears.  They are made out of a thick felt like fabric that is warm and heavy for a robe.  All over the robes there are lines of music and notes stitched into the fabric.  The robes go down to 3 inches above his feet so he doesn't trip.
This robes have pockets he can keep a large amount of stuff within, even though the pockets are very small.  Also, the robes give him the ability to "see" musical notes which makes his powers work much easier.  

{Accessory Information}
MP3 Player
A small electronic music storing device.  It is small, able to fit within your hand easily and is an off white in color.  The screen will light up in a pale blue light with black letters when a button is pushed.  Coming from the MP3 player is a set of ear buds the same color as the player.
Rhyme's MP3 player is enchanted to never run out of power, to have an infinite amount of space for music, and will automatically update itself whenever it or Rhyme learns a new song.  It is also connected with Rhyme's mind so it can work with just a thought.
Microphones of Many Miles
A small ear piece that can go within the ear with a thin but strong metal wire that goes down to microphone near the mouth.
The user will give one of the two microphones to his or her favorite person and they will be able to communicate clearly from any distance.


{Physical Description}
Rhyme is of medium height and is slim.  He has bright purple hair that sticks out everyone on his head and deep purple eyes.  His skin is pale in nature but is normally always tanned.  Rhyme normally wears a tee-shirt with a band on them with a leather jacket over it.  He also wears faded ripped jeans that show off his knees and ankles.  Lastly he wears old faded Elemental shoes.  On his wrists he has red wristbands with metal studs all through them.  

Because of the polar opposites of his parents, Rhyme is a pretty balanced kid.  Even though he is normally balanced he sometimes have flashes of either super free hippy or super strict mage.  He is more inclined to the latter because of the forced time with his father before he ran away.  (see background)  Though his mood swings a lot depending who is around him.  He can become very sadistic at time, or extremely angry.  His moods swing more then those weird bobbing duck things.

Rhyme lived a mix lifestyle within his home.  His mother, Elandil was a powerful and famous bard, she was free spirited and a loving mother.  His father, Prometheus, was a strict and wise mage, who normally couldn't spend enough time away from his books to spend with his family.  Even though his presence wasn't directly with the family, it did cast a shadow over them, removing most of the fun their mother produced.  

Rhyme is the oldest of the 4 children.  His brother Lucas is the youngest at the age of 8, while his sisters Samantha and Alina are twins at the age of 12.  Alina and Samantha are great musical artists, they got the bard nature from their mother.  They can play nearly any instrument right after picking it up.  Rhyme though, did not get his talent.  Even though his mother tried to help him he could not pick up the skill of playing instruments.  At a young age though he did have a knack at conducting, so his mother taught him how to do that.  Rhyme grew up in a fairly happy home, conducting while his sisters played.  

As the oldest child within the family, Rhyme was the first child at 14 to come into his powers.  They first manifested while conducting his sisters, as he worked the baton, a yellow line of musical energy began to leak from it.  The energy took the form of lines of music as it fell, the exact music his sisters were playing, note for note.  This unique ability came from the mixing of the two magics.  The magic of the music from his mother and the art of the ancient magics from his father, all came together to make this new unique form of music/magic.  

When he got his powers, his father and mother began to train him in how to use it.  Unfortunately for Rhyme, his mother could not help much since his power did not come from musical instruments or singing.  She had to leave him with his strict father to learn.  His father made Rhyme do many strenuous activities to strengthen his body and mind.  This, he was told, would give him better focus, and let him use his powers more.  This really didn't help, and this just tortured him and made him more disciplined, effectively taking him away from the fun his power can draw from.  

Soon learning that his father was not helping him he went off on his own when he could to learn for himself.  He ran away from home to seek out a teacher that could really help him.  He was going to go to a place his father when to, Hogwarts  he was told.  There he hoped he would be able to find a person who could teach him about his powers, and how to use them.  

As he traveled Rhyme practiced with his powers.  He learned that most of the power came from the emotions of the song.  If they were about things he really had a connection with the power that came from it was much stronger.  He also learned that his power pretty much came in two forms.  Energy and spellcasting.  As energy he could shape the power into orbs, beams, and ribbons that looked like lines of music.  He liked the ribbons most since they most resembled his musical heritage.  The spellcasting he learned, pretty much made what the song was about come real.  The bad thing is, for most of the songs it took the whole song uninterrupted for the spell to come true, but, for some of the smaller changes it didn't take the whole song.  He also found out, purely by accident, that, if he tried hard enough he could imitate any person's voice he wanted.  This was kinda odd to him but he just chucked it up to how the powers of his parents mixed.  

After a year of wondering around the country where he lived, working and using his powers to get money for lodging and food.  After a year a letter from the school arrived at the Inn he was staying at, and he finally knew which way to go to get to the school he was looking for.  


What Are Your Character's Flaws?
Rhyme can be a bit over serious at times and focusing to much on his powers when he should just be having fun as a kid.
What Are Your Character's Likes?
Any and all types of music.
What Are Your Character's Dislikes?
Random jumbled noise with no pattern or reason.
What Are Your Character's Fears?
One day becoming death.



*SongCasting is the name I think best describes the mix.  I really didn't think that Bard/Mage described his class well enough.  If you need any more info about this class please PM me and I'll try and explain it more.
Improving Thy Personae [aka – Your Character]
Chapter 1—Bios

It is best to first look at a Biography template as not what you have to put down, but as all that you can muster - never be afraid to go past the template and put in more details.
I will start with the HPFF Template.

Name—Okay, there isn't much you can do with this one, admittedly. But you can still think up your own original name. Have it mean something. It can be interesting to see what certain words, such as personality traits, mean in different languages. Or, you can skim through a baby name site for inspiration. Names are often passed down through generations, or specifically picked by parents – some are made up, and some are more general, but if we have a bunch of Joes running around that's not much fun, is it?  And hey, think how boring Romeo and Juilet would have been if they last names were different.

Age—There is even less to do with this one. Just make sure that your age fits the site, or, if you really don't want it to, make sure you have a good reason for how old, or young, your character is - be it some magic spell in the person's past or being locked away in a prison for 30 years. Make it realistic – and if it's not, create a back-story for that.

Height—Again, much like Age there is not much to do here. Just pick a good height for your gender and race, unless again, you can back it up with a good reason. Is your character half troll? A goblin? Obviously that would come into play here.

Appearance—Now this is when things can get interesting. Appearance does not mean just 'put up a picture'. You can try and find a picture that works, or have one drawn, but you should always have the idea in your head first, and not the picture. Describe everything you can about your character -their hair color, eyes, skin tones, clothes... Any scars, tattoos, or significant marks. Anything that a person would see on your character, write it down here.
To help with this, image your character in your mind. And just begin typing all that you see, from what shows up first, to what takes more close examination to discover.
Again, though – BE REALISTIC. No creature is flawless – there are always unique imperfections that make people original. Don't make a 'perfect', typical Mary Jane.
Race—There isn't much you can say here, but what you do say means a lot. Race can drastically change your character; look what it can do to people in the real world. Take a minute, and decide, what race the person should truly be. This is not something to rush into. Is your character strictly human? A full wizard/witch? A veela, or a werewolf?

Parents— Parents can either be ignored, or accepted, but either way they have a deep personal impact on the character. This can go as in depth as just names, to full descriptions of them. But the meat of the history between the character and parents should remain within History.
Just remember – parents have a way of pulling our strings so easily, because they were the ones who wove them there in the first place..

Personality— This section is the insight to your character. This can show all the little inner workings of their mind. It can show deep, hidden trauma, which can lead to an eventual snapping, or a creepy inner peace that disturbs everyone around them with the character's peppiness. This is really important, next to History, since it will be the primary forces that drive your character. Again, though, NO Mary Jane's! Those characters are empty – and soulless, really. Put life into your character. Put character into your character. Put time into making your character to be like an actual person. Create volume, and depth to them. More specifically, make flaws for them, to both accept or overcome during your RP's. For isn't that what life's about? Overcoming your troubles?

Likes/Dislikes— The most important and clear ones should be listed here, since the bulk of this could have been covered in the personality if it is done well. You can make a list, or draw a conclusion of their general preferences here.

Power Here, is where you can distinguish yourself as a good writer. There is an art in the fine balance of creative powers, and over powered-ness. Your powers should be unique, since that makes your character fun to RP with and to be RP'ed with. But powers can go overboard. You should normally limit them to the person's age and leave them room to grow as they got stronger with age.
Power, is the most over-used substance. If you think you can abuse it, and come in all-powerful, you're wrong. After all – that's not reality, is it? No. You grow into power. You learn power.
And all power usually has a price.

History— Okay, this, combined with personality, is the CORE of your character. The past influences the present, and the future. This is where you can say what happened to your character before they appeared on the forum. This shapes how and why they do things. If you can think up a good back story you make it so much easier for yourself down the road. If you need to think up a reason why your character would enter an RP, look at your pasts for reasons that could get them to suddenly appear. Without a good history, your character has no real drive....this is the backbone of your character, and without it, your character will be flat and shallow.
You are what you know and have lived through.
Not what you were born to do.
The Hogs Head / Returning
January 6, 2008, 10:41:54 AM
A man appeared just outside within a dark alleyway in Hogsmead.  He was dressed in a large dark robe that completely hid him, the dark fabric hiding his body and the hood his face.  The arrival though blew up a small gust of wind, which disturbed the dust as well as the robe.  Beneath a person would just be able to see a hint of blue and white.  He lowered the hood to reveal a head of short shaggy black hair.  His face bore no scars but his nose was a bit crocked, which, made the glasses he wore also crooked.

He looked from side to side, making sure nobody saw his arrival.  When he saw that nobody saw him, and nobody continued to see him, his left eye twitched ever so slightly, and with a small 'pop' of displaced air, his robe disappeared to reveal muggle cloths.

He wore a dark pair of blue jeans, with a pair of brown leather shoes.  He also wore a simple dark red sweater with just a hint of a golden dragon embroidered on the one arm.  The sweater went down to his wrists and just to the base of his neck, not revealing much of his pale skin.  He didn't look like a wizard at all, since his cloths actually looked like something a muggle would wear. 

With one last look he fingered his hair a bit and walked out of the ally into the much brighter street.  Squinting slightly from the adjustment, he walked over to the Hog's Head Inn, and ordered a Fire Whiskey as he took a seat halfway in the back, against the side wall
General / Ethersword Academy of the Arts
October 22, 2006, 10:19:55 AM
Ethersword Academy of the Arts is a school were students will be taught how to control their personal gifts, and the basic arts of Magic, Weaponry, Beastry, Alchemy, and if they choose, Puppetmaster, Holy, Crafting, Potions, and Life Skills.  When students are not in classes, the time is there.  They can explore the lands, shop in the plaza, or just hang out in Cloud Nine, the schools cafeteria.  So join ESA today. ^^

Ethersword Academy of the Arts
General / Looking Back
September 16, 2006, 06:44:14 AM
Looking back at the site, I can't believe how much it changed.  I wasn't even here for the age of .:~*Shuiliya*~:. but when I joined, the site was really different.  The site was pretty much run by Kaira, Max, Ginny, Lavender, Isis, Brian, Zack, myself and Ron.  Now look at it, most of the veterans have left leaving on me and Ginny and now just returning Kiara and Max -cheers- Now our charries are grown and somewhat forgotten.  Now, a new gaggle of kids run the school and we are left in the dust.  Does anyone else have memories of the old HPFF?  And what was it like when you joined?

For me I would have to say that I joined in the time of Kiara and the Shadow.  When I first joined the Harry postion was vacant and I was lucky enough to get it.  And Kiara helped me adjust to the new idea of the books, all written by herself that became law during her time here before the absence.  That was a major time and Kaira, you leaving marked the new age that we are now living in here.